Pregnancy Problems (Fili x preg!reader)

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"Fili!" you cried out, your back aching too much to get up from your chair. "Yes, Amrâlimê?" he asked you, poking his head in the door. "I'm hungry." Fili took another step into the room. "Already? You just ate, Y/N." As soon as the words left his mouth, Fili knew he made a mistake. You looked at him with a ferocity Fili had never seen from you before. Actually, he'd never seen it on any dwarf woman either. It was frightening.

"What are you trying to say, dearest husband? Do you think I'm too big?" Your tone was calm and even, which was far more terrifying to the dwarf prince than if you'd been yelling. "No! No of course not! You are beautiful! Radiant! You are growing our beautiful child!" he cried, doing his best to pacify you. You glared at him for a moment more before bursting into tears.

"I'm as big as a house!" you wailed. Fili ran from the doorway to your side. "No, no darling. You are not. I'm sorry. I will get you whatever you want, just please. Please stop crying, my love," he pleaded. You sniffled again and looked into Fili's beautiful blue-green eyes. "There is a lovely apple pie in the kitchen," you said hesitantly and Fili gave you a small smile before getting up to fetch your pie. He breathed a sigh a relief. At least you weren't crying anymore.

Fili returned to you a few minutes later with your pie. You looked at it and then up at him with a smile. You took a bite of the pie and grimaced. "What? Has it turned?" You shook your head and replied, "No. I just...don't want it anymore." Fili shook his head and laughed in disbelief. He kissed your temple and took the pie away to eat it himself.

"I'm sorry, Fili," you said softly. He smiled at you again. "There's nothing to forgive, Y/N." He finished the pie and put the plate down before helping you up from your seat. He walked with you over to the bed and helped get you settled. He climbed in next to you and began running his strong hand over your swollen belly. "I love you, Y/N." You smiled and kissed him. "I love you, too." Fili shuffled so he could place a soft kiss to your stomach. "I love you too, my child." Every fight caused by your emotional state was worth it knowing that his child was growing happy and healthy inside of you. 

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