Troublemakers (Merry Brandybuck x reader x Pippin Took)

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(High School/Soulmate AU)

You were lucky enough to have met your soulmate very early in life. And you were even more lucky to discover that you had not one, but two soulmates. It was a good thing because Merry and Pippin were a package deal. If you found one, you usually found the other. Since you ended up spending time with both anyway, it worked so well that they were both your soulmates.

Merry and Pippin were great. They were both so much fun to be around. They had a wonder sense of humor and adventure. The only issue was that that sense of adventure tended to get them into a lot of trouble. The two of them spent a lot of time in Principal Gandalf's office. Just like now.

You were walking to class when you saw your soulmates sitting outside the office again. Sighing and shaking your head fondly, you approached the two young men. "Let me guess, you're the ones who rearranged Coach Boromir's office and glued everything down?" They shook their heads. "NO! That was the Coach Fili and his brother. We set off fireworks outside Counselor Bilbo's office." You giggled slightly.

"You two, I swear." It wasn't as if you were surprised. You had known the two since you were children. You were neighbors. Pippin had moved in with Merry's family after a falling out with his own. They had always been this way and you knew they weren't about to stop now. It was part of the reason you loved them. They never acted like someone they weren't just to impress people. Sure they were goofballs, but they were your goofballs.

"What? We didn't hurt anyone." You were about to reply when the warning bell rang. "I gotta get to class. I'll see you later. Try not to get in any more trouble today, okay?" They shrugged as you kissed their cheeks. As you walked away, you heard Principal Gandalf calling your boys into the office.

After school that day, you dropped off your backpack before making your way next door. The door was left unlocked for you so you walked right in. As usual, you found your soulmates in the kitchen. Pippin smiled at you. "We have a surprise for you, Y/N." You arched a brow, but Merry elbowed Pippin. "You're not supposed to say anything, Pipp." Pippin flushed and gave a nervous laugh. "Right."

Merry carefully maneuvered you into a chair while he and Pippin finished doing whatever it was they were doing. You were even left alone with your thoughts for a few moments when they both disappeared. What were those two up to? You didn't often question it, but they weren't this secretive. You were lost in thought and didn't hear the boys sneaking up on you.

Suddenly, something hit the back of your head. You whipped around only to get a face full of silly string. You sat still in shock for a second before you busted out laughing. "What was that for?" Merry chuckled along with you as he helped you pluck the mess off your face. "We're celebrating. I didn't mean to get your face though. Sorry."

"What are we celebrating?" Pippin's grin widened. "Your birthday, of course!" You cocked your head to the side in confusion. "But my birthday's not for another two weeks." They both nodded. It was still a little weird sometimes when they did things in unison like that. "Aye, but we wanted to celebrate with our soulmate by ourselves. So come on!" They offered you their hands.

You gingerly took both and let them lead you from the kitchen outside. You were surprised when they stopped in front of the old tree in the back yard. Looking up, your eyes found the old tree house the three of you used to play in all the time. "Uh...are we going up there?" They nodded. "Is it safe?"

"Relax. Pipp and I have been up and down for the last two days. We fixed it up a bit. It's sturdy. Now go on!" The looks on their faces was enough to get you moving. After all, even though they were trouble makers, you trusted them. Once you got up there, you were filled with joy.

The whole tree house was decorated for your birthday, including a spread of your favorite foods. "You guys did this for me?" you asked just as the boys climbed up. "Of course we did. You're our soulmate and you deserve to be celebrated." Pippin nodded. "Merry's right. Besides, when your mom throws you your surprise party, we won't get much time with you."

"SURPRISE PARTY?!" Merry rolled his eyes and elbowed Pippin again. "Nice going, Pipp." Pippin blushed. "Sorry. Pretend to be surprised." You laughed again and ruffled his curls. "It's alright. Thanks for this. Is that cake?!" The boys laughed as you dove for the cake.

The three of you spent the rest of the day and into the night in that tree house. You let all the memories of your time together invade for your mind as you celebrated together. You played games, ate, and talked, even going so far as to assist in their next big prank. You knew you shouldn't but sometimes they rubbed off on you.

Eventually, you felt your eyelids getting heavy. You knew you should go home, but you couldn't bring yourself to leave your guys. Instead, the three of you ended up piled in a heap, asleep on the floor of the old tree house. Merry and Pippin held you tightly as you all dreamed pleasant dreams.

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