Phoenix (The Company x fem!reader)

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You smiled up at your grandfather as you approached the hobbit's door. Outside, a group of dwarves were already waiting outside for the Bilbo to open the door. The door opened and the dwarves fell through. You bit back a giggle and made your way inside the small hobbit hole. Some of the dwarves and the Bilbo smiled at you in greeting. Others began to question why Gandalf had brought a female with him. Those questions were met with a glare. You had a purpose on this quest, but it would be a little time before it was revealed.

It was the incident with the trolls that caused your secret to be revealed. The others had gone to Bilbo's rescue and you decided the best course of action would be to find your grandfather. He had gone off in a huff after arguing with Thorin. So, you changed and went off after your grandfather.

What the others didn't know was that you were a skin-changer, well half. You weren't covered in fur or feathers like other skin-changers, so no one could tell unless you showed them. You changed and spread your wings. You took to the sky in your form and flew as quickly as you could. You had to get to Gandalf before the trolls ate the Company.

Meanwhile, the Company was grumbling and complaining while trying to find a way out of their predicament. It was Bilbo who noticed that you weren't with them. He looked to Thorin and mouthed your name. Thorin did his best to shrug from the confines of his sack. He had no idea where you had gone, but at least you were safe. Since you weren't captured like the rest of them, they had a chance to be saved.

Bilbo began to play for time, but something caught his eye. A bird. A bird that looked like fire against the sky. A phoenix. The bird landed on a large boulder, catching the trolls attention too. The three trolls began arguing as to how to cook a phoenix. The phoenix ruffled it's feathers and Bilbo nearly laughed. The bird looked highly offended at the debate.

The trolls were so busy fighting amongst themselves about how to cook the Company and the bird, they didn't notice the sunrise. "The dawn will take you all!" a deep voice called out. The boulder the phoenix was sitting on cracked, revealing the rising sun behind it. The bird let out a screech and rose from the boulder.

The trolls turned to stone, causing the Company to breathe out a collective sigh of relief. "You all appear to be no worse for wear," Gandalf said to Thorin. "No thanks to your burglar." Gandalf glared slightly. "He had the nouse to play for time," he retorted and the phoenix cawed again. Gandalf turned to the bird and smiled. "A wonderful job, Y/N."

"Y/N?!?!" came the cry of several members of the Company. With a shake, the feathers of the phoenix fluffed away and revealed you standing there. "Y-You're a skin-changer?" You smiled. "Half. My mother was a skin-changer, my father was Gandalf's son. A wizard in his own right."

"Does that mean you can do magic? Like Gandalf?" You nodded. "Simply things. I have not had as much time to perfect my skill like my grandfather has." Gandalf rested a hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Can you show us?" Ori asked and you shrugged. "I suppose." For the rest of the day, you showed the Company the small things you could do.

"Now do you see why I brought her along, Thorin?" Gandalf asked as the day was coming to an end. The rest of the Company was gathered around you, engrossed in the tricks you were showing them. They praised your skills. "I do. She is a good addition to the Company. Perhaps you will be correct about your burglar as well."

With that, Thorin made his way over to where the rest were. Gandalf smiled at the sight of you being so well liked. You were blossoming under the thought of new friendships and, if the way Bilbo kept looking at you was any indication, perhaps a new love as well. Like the phoenix, you were coming alive again, being reborn.    

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