Kingly Cuddles (Thorin Oakenshield x modern!fem reader)

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"Who is she?"

"Where did she come from?"

"What odd clothes she's wearing."

The conversations between the members of the Company were confused and excited. "Alright, enough gawking. Just get her over to the fire. She's probably freezing," Thorin ordered softly. Dwalin gently picked you up and Thorin watched him. Your (h/c) hair swayed slightly as Dwalin carried you over to the fire. You were certainly stunning. And, when you woke up, Thorin would learn that you were a little bit strange. Little did he know you would change his life.

Thorin sighed as he stretched. Watch had been going on far too long. The night seemed to drag on forever especially because Thorin's mind kept traveling to the female in the Company. From the moment you woke up, you had captured his attention. At first, you were confused and scared. But, once you got used to the fact that you were no longer in your world, you became sarcastic and sassy. You didn't let anyone push you around, despite the fact that they could all take you down if they had mind to.

"Need some company?" Thorin turned his head to see you standing there with a smile on your face. Thorin just shrugged. He expected your smile to falter, but it didn't. His gruffness never seemed to bother you. You came over and sat down next to him. "Thank you, Thorin," you said after several minutes of silence. He glanced over at you again with furrowed brows. "For?"

"For not leaving me where you found me. I probably would have just stayed there and froze to death. I was terrified when I woke up surrounded by strange men, well dwarves, but you've been so patient with me." Thorin gave a little hum. "Yes, well, I couldn't very well leave you to die could I? What kind of king would I be? And I do appreciate your effort to find your niche in the Company. I believe we all do." You smiled. You had been trying and it was nice that the king acknowledge it.

Thorin was doing his best not to blush like a young dwarrow at your smile. You smiled quite often, but Thorin's favorites were the ones directed at him. He wasn't exactly sure what it was he was feeling around you, but he liked it. It had been a long time since he felt like it. It was a similar feeling to the one he got when he thought about reclaiming Erebor. "Thorin?" Thorin blinked and blushed deeply when he realized he'd been caught staring and lost in thought.

He cleared his throat and asked you to repeat yourself. You giggled softly. "I asked you isn't it about time to wake the next watch? We won't get far tomorrow if our king is too tired to walk." Thorin chuckled and nodded. "You're quite right." You stood and patted his shoulder. "Good. There is space next to my bed roll if you want to take it. Rather you than Bombur again." You shuddered and Thorin laughed at the memory. One of your first nights with them, Bombur had set up is bed roll next to yours and ended up rolling over on you during the night.

"Very well. Thank you, Y/N." He had long given up calling you "miss" or "lady". You hated it and after the third or fourth time of telling him, you just started ignoring him when he called you either one. Thorin woke the next watch before making his way over to the space next to your bed roll. You were already lying down and your eyes were closed.

Thorin set up his own roll and laid down next to you. His heart was practically racing at the closeness. It was almost intimate. It would have been if not for the fact that the rest of the Company was around. Thorin sighed and closed his eyes, letting sleep overtake him.

Thorin woke the next morning hearing hushed whispers. "Should we wake them, Mister Balin?" Kili asked and Balin chuckled. "No, lad. Your uncle's been waiting a long time to find her. Let them rest and enjoy the moment. He's earned it. They both have." Thorin was confused until he felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest and arm. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the bright sun. He was rewarded with a beautiful sight.

You were there, your head on his chest. Your eyes were still closed, lashes laying against your cheeks. It was a wonderful feeling and Thorin had to admit he wanted to stay there forever. Or at least for as long as possible. Thorin gazed around to see the rest of the Company was either still sleeping or moving quietly about the camp. Taking advantage of the moment, Thorin pressed a kiss to your forehead. You sighed in your sleep and snuggled closer to him. Thorin tightened his grip slightly, holding you as close as he possibly could.    

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