Clueless (Dwalin x fem!hobbit reader)

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Dwalin couldn't get his head around just how charming you were. Like your brother Bilbo, you were genuinely kind and tender-hearted and your intelligence had already gotten the Company out of more scraps than he could count. Dwalin found you utterly adorable, particularly when you got flustered which happened quite a bit when the Durin brothers poked fun. Shortly into the journey, Dwalin asked his brother's advice on courting you and he did everything Balin had told him. You were completely clueless however. At least until you arrived in Rivendell.

After supper that evening, you were laughing along with the Company when Dwalin got up with a huff and left. "What's wrong with Master Dwalin?" you asked. The dwarf rarely spoke, but he was never quite so rude when you were around. "You mean you don't know?" Bilbo questioned jokingly. Even knowing very little about dwarven courting rituals, Bilbo could see the warrior's fondness for you. Your look of confusion made everyone fall silent.

"Ya really don't know, lass?" Bofur asked you. You felt your face heat up at the sudden attention. "N-no. I d-don't." You hated that you stuttered when put under pressure. Bilbo grabbed your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Dwalin's tryin' ta court ya!" Bofur cried, earning a quiet scolding from Balin. You looked to the older dwarf. "Is that true, Balin?" You could feel your face getting warmer as they all continued to stare at you. That explained Dwalin's constant stuttering when he spoke to you and why the usually graceful warrior would trip over his own feet sometimes. You hadn't realized. It wasn't your fault you'd never been courted before. "Will you stop staring at me please?!" you cried waiting for Balin to answer.

"It's true, lass. Dwalin is a dwarf of few words, but I've never seen him so flustered as he is when he's around you." You jumped up, gave Balin a quick peck on the cheek and went in search of Dwalin. You finally found him in one of Rivendell's many gardens. "Master Dwalin, I've been looking everywhere for you." Dwalin jumped at the sudden sound of your soft voice. He turned to you and you saw something out of place. Fear and you assumed it was fear of rejection.

"Have ya?" he asked. You gave a small nod as you approached him, your hands clasped in front of you. "I heard a little rumor and was hoping you could ease my mind?" Dwalin quirked his heavy brow at you, urging you to continue. "I heard that you've been trying to court me and I, in my true oblivious nature, may have spurned your advances." Dwalin said nothing, merely looked at you. "I sincerely apologize, Master Dwalin."

This time, Dwalin's eyes grew wide before a small smile appeared on his lips. "I hope that I haven't ruined my chances with you, Dwalin. I am very fond of you," you finally finished your piece and waited for Dwalin to respond. In typical Dwalin fashion, he decided that actions spoke louder than words. He grabbed your hands and pulled you to him, his mouth immediately attaching to yours in the most passionate kiss he'd ever had.

The annoying necessity for air caused you to part. "Does this mean the rumors were true?" you asked breathlessly. Dwalin chuckled and shook his head. "Ya really are clueless, Y/N." Dwalin smiled in delight at the blush that crept onto your face. Your lips were swollen and your hair was mussed, but the grin never left you face as the two of you returned to the Company hand-in-hand. Dwalin knew then and there that he would be with you for the rest of his life. 

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