Truth or Dare? Or Maybe Not? (Thorin x reader)

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You'd been trying to break up the monotony of the journey by teaching the company games from our world after you had woken up unexplainably in Middle Earth a few weeks before. Yet now you were beginning to regret teaching the Company of Thorin Oakenshield the game of truth or dare. At that moment, you were sitting around the fire playing truth or dare with the company once again. "Alright Y/N," Kili began turning to you, "Your turn. Truth or dare?"

You paused for a moment and decided that you were feeling brave. "Dare." The grin on the young dwarf's face was almost frightening. He had a glint in his eyes as he looked at his brother and you began to regret your decision. Instead of saying the dare out loud, Kili scooted closer to you and whispered it in your ear. The company snickered as you felt your eyes go wide. You snapped your head up to look at Kili.

"No way. Absolutely not!" You were practically shouting. "You have to Y/N. It's in the rules," Ori pointed out. "What a friend," you thought to yourself. After sighing loudly, you picked yourself up from the fallen log that you were sitting on. Casting a glare back at Kili, you sauntered over to where the company's gruff leader was standing. Thorin stopped talking to Balin and looked at you. "What do you need, Y/N?" You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Opening your eyes, you said, "Forgive me for this."

"For-" His question was cut off as you pulled him to you by the furs on his cloak and planted your lips on his. After a moment, you ended the kiss and let go of his cloak. He simply stood there, his dumbfounded expression matching Balin's. You looked back toward the company. Everyone's mouth had dropped open and they were staring at you, except for the Durin brothers who were laughing hysterically. The rest of the company soon joined in the laughter, including Dwalin.

You glanced back at Thorin. He was still standing there shell shocked. "Thorin?" You waved your hand in front of his face and got no reaction. "I think I broke him," you whispered to Balin who merely chuckled. Thorin finally blinked and met your gaze. Suddenly, you felt embarrassed and made an excuse to walk away from the company. Once alone, you began chiding yourself. "That was really stupid, Y/N. Dare or not, you shouldn't have done that."

"Do you make a habit of talking to yourself," came a voice behind you making you jump. "Thorin! I'm sorry. It was a stupid dare. I know I shouldn't have-" your rambling was cut short by Thorin placing a finger to your lips. "Y/N, there is nothing to apologize for. It was simply unexpected, though not unwanted." Your (e/c) eyes met his aqua ones. What was he saying? "Y/N, there is no denying the feelings I have for you." He pulled you to him and you closed your eyes.

You felt yourself being shaken and heard an obnoxious buzzing. "Y/N! Wake up!" Your eyes flew open and your roommate's face loomed over you. "Your alarm has been going off for ten minutes." Your roommate left. You sat up and your copy of "The Hobbit" slid off the bed. "Huh? So it was all a...dream?" you asked yourself. "Well that sucks!"


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