Love Not Forgotten (Bofur x fem!reader)

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The moment you set foot in the Prancing Pony, you knew something was going to happen. You hadn't known what. You just had a feeling. And you were right, although what happened wasn't at all what you expected. You hadn't been expecting your eyes to land on a familiar hat when they scanned the room for an empty table.

When you noticed the hat, you began to hope that the eyes underneath it were not the ones you expected to see. You let your gaze travel down a little ways. Sure enough, those beautiful, warm brown eyes were already staring back at you. And then? Then he smiled at you and you felt your knees turn to putty. The memory of your last meeting flooded your mind.

You giggled lightly as one of Bofur's braids got caught in the toy he had just finished. "Hold still," you said softly. You took a step closer to help him remove the toy without tearing out his braids. He would be devastated if that happened. Bofur held still, his brown eyes watching you in awe. You had been friends from the moment you'd come to Ered Luin, but lately you had been feeling something more. Now, with him that close to you, it was nearly impossible to keep your feelings a secret.

He opened his mouth to speak. You glanced up at him and time seemed to stand still. Your noses were mere centimeters apart. One tiny movement and you could press your lips to his. You probably would have too, if not for Bifur and Bombur entering the shop. You backed away and held up the toy that had been caught. You needed to get out and fast. "I need to get back. Goodbye, Bofur."

That was the last time you'd spoken to him at length. The last words he'd said to you were that he was leaving with Thorin to reclaim Erebor. It had broken your heart and you hadn't been able to say anything. Seeing him again now only made your heard hurt once more.

You were so lost in thought, you hadn't noticed Bofur rise from his seat and make his way over to you. "Y/N?" You jumped slightly at the sound of his voice. "Whoa, lass, are ya alright?" You gave your heart a moment to calm down before you nodded. "I-I'm fine." Bofur's lips parted in a beautiful smile that had your heart threatening to leap out of your chest.

"It's good to see ya, lass. Come join me?" You bit your lip while you thought about it. You couldn't even pretend not to notice Bofur's gaze drop to your mouth for a second. "Of course. I could use an ale and a room for the night." Bofur chuckled and lead you over to his table.

For what seemed like forever, the two of you sat talking. You reminisced about old times and learned all about his journey to Erebor. But then, the conversation turned to exactly the place you hadn't wanted it to. "So, Y/N, where has life taken ya? Married? Babes?" You shook your head, willing your tears to stay down. How could you tell him that no one had ever been able to replace him in your heart?

"Really? I'd have thought a pretty lass like ya would be fightin' off the suitors. Not to mention how smart ya are! And how strong! You've got a warrior's heart. Many dwarves and men would be fightin' ta court ya!" You licked your lips and asked to drop the subject. Bofur looked confused, causing you to groan lightly. You were glad most everyone else had already left or gone to bed for the evening.

"Bofur, I really don't want to talk about it. I had a love. A long time ago. He left. End of story, I'm afraid." Bofur's eyes softened and grew sad. "Is that why ya look so melancholy, Y/N? Whoever he was, he's an idiot." You let out a humorless chuckle and shook your head. "Yes, he is. Who in his right mind would walk away from ya?"

You clenched your fists in your lap and prayed he would stop talking. You were close to exploding. But he simply kept going with a soft blush painting his cheeks. Finally, you couldn't take it any longer. "It was you, Bofur!" you nearly yelled, "You left me. You didn't even have the decency to tell me until the night before you left. My best friend, the dwarf that I loved more than anything, left me." You threw a few coins down for your ale and stormed from the inn to clear your head before coming back to sleep for the night.

You were so angry, you didn't hear Bofur getting up to follow you. "Lass! Y/N! Wait!" You didn't stop. You could feel your entire body shaking from the anger and cold. "Y/N, please!" Bofur quickly caught up with you. He placed a hand on your arm. "Lass," he gasped, slightly out of breath from chasing after you.

Bofur stepped in front of you and you stopped. "What?" you asked softly. You refused to meet his gaze. If you did, you knew you would cry and you didn't want to do that. "Y/N, please look at me. I can't beg ya for forgiveness if ya don't look at me. I remember that night. The night I nearly kissed ya. I didn't think you'd want an old toymaker like me. Not when ya had so many other choices. I didn't leave because of ya. I left because Thorin needed me and because..."

As he trailed off, you lifted your head to finally meet his gaze. "Because what, Bofur?" He gave you a little smile. "Because I couldn't watch ya fall in love with someone else. I should have stayed or at least brought ya with me. I should have told ya that I've been in love with ya all these years. I should have kissed ya when I had the chance." Tears slowly rolled down your cheeks, but you smiled a little all the same.

"Who said you lost the chance?" Bofur beamed. "Ya mean that?" You nodded. "Have I ever said anything I didn't mean? I-I love you, Bofur. Maybe it was silly of me to keep loving you after so long, but I couldn't help it." Bofur reached out, offering his hand which you took in yours. "Lass, if you're silly, then I really am the biggest fool in all Middle Earth."

You giggled at that. "Bofur? Will you kiss me this time?" Bofur's cheeks reddened. "If ya want." You nodded and assured him that you did. Bofur brought his free hand up to your cheek. You could feel your heart pounding as he slowly leaned in.

When he finally kissed you, you were certain your knees would give. Bofur seemed to notice because he let go of your hand in favor of wrapping his arm around you to pull you closer to him. He was your anchor in that moment. If he let go, you were certain you would float away. The kiss seemed to last forever and not long enough at the same time. As your lungs began to scream for air, Bofur pulled away. Panting, he said, "Aye, I am the biggest fool in Middle Earth." You laughed breathlessly. "Perhaps. But you're my fool. I love you, Bofur." Bofur placed a quick peck to your nose. "I love ya too, lass."

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