Trust and Comfort - Pt. 2(The Company x fem!reader)

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(warnings: the reader still suffers from a fear of men and there's a douche bag in this fic.)

Things had been going well with the Company. You no longer feared them because they hadn't given you a reason to. They were very careful with how they interacted with you still, but you were getting much better. You could stand near them and even have some contact without flinching away. All-in-all, you were proud of your progress and so were they. That is, until you all decided to spend the night at an inn of a village you were passing through.

You were sitting at a table by yourself, the Company knowing you needed some space between you and them, when he appeared. He slid into the seat across from you. "Hello, beautiful." You nodded but didn't respond. He went to touch your hand sitting on the table and you moved it quickly. You wanted to tell him to go away, but your voice just wouldn't work. You were too nervous.

"What do you say I buy you a drink?" You shook your head and indicated that your tankard was still full. You didn't want to cause a scene, but you needed to get out of there. You slowly got up and whispered, "Excuse me." You went to walk passed him when you felt his hand wrap around your wrist. You froze. "P-please let go." He arched a brow before flashing you a sickening smile. "But I'd like to get to know you. It's rude to walk away in the middle of a conversation."

"I believe the lady asked you to release her," a deep voice you knew well said. It was frighteningly calm. You looked over your shoulder to see Thorin standing there with Dwalin and Bifur. The man let go of your wrist and stood up. "We do not wish to fight. We are merely looking out for a member of our Company." Thorin's voice was still soft and calm, but you could see Dwalin's hand on his axe. "Y/N, are you alright?"

You nodded, still fighting back tears. Thorin gave you a rare smile and replied, "Good. Please let Bofur, Mr. Baggins, and Ori escort you to your room while we speak with this gentleman." You sniffled and moved to where the kindest members of the Company were waiting for you. Once in their presence, you found your voice again. "Are they going to hurt him?" Bofur smiled and assured you that they wouldn't. "They just want to protect ya, lass. Now, let's get you upstairs and safe in your room, shall we?" You nodded and let them lead you away.

As soon as you were out of sight, Dwalin reached over and grabbed the man by his neck before pulling him out of the inn. "Now, listen here. When a lady says to let her go, ya let her go! Especially that one!" The man scoffed. "Is she your lover?" Dwalin's eyes narrowed and he wanted nothing more than to punch the man in front of him. Thorin, noticing this, gently touched his friends arm. "She is no one's lover. She is a friend. A member of our Company we feel protective over. She is not like other women and we love her for that. We have taken great pains to get to know her the way we do and now, thanks to you, she will probably revert back into the mousey creature we knew before. Now, we are leaving in the morning but before we do, you shall apologize to Lady Y/N for your conduct."

Theman scoffed and told Thorin he had no intention of doing so. "Very well.Dwalin." Thorin turned away and let Dwalin throw a punch at the offensivegentleman. "Let that be a lesson. Goodnight." The three dwarveswalked back inside and up to your room to check on you. "Are you alright,Y/N?" You nodded and smiled at them. "I am. Thank you." In amoment of great bravery, you slowly wrapped your arms around Thorin and gavehim a brief hug.    

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