A Love Found in Gondor (Faramir x fem!reader)

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"We must move faster, Y/N," Gandalf declared from where he was mounted on Shadowfax. Pippin was in front of him, an expression of fear and worry painted on his face. He glanced over at you and you gave him what you hoped was a comforting smile. You urged your own horse after Gandalf toward Gondor.

When you finally reached Gondor, you dismounted your horse gratefully. As much as you enjoyed riding, you'd been riding too fast, too far and too long. You gave your horse a pat and turned to face Gandalf, but instead, you saw someone else. You jumped slightly, not expecting the tall man with reddish hair and a slightly familiar face to be standing there.

"Forgive me, my lady," he pleaded, "I did not mean to startle you." You nodded as you felt Pippin move closer to you. "Ah, Faramir," Gandalf greeted. Your eyes widened in surprise. Before his death, Boromir often spoke of the brother he loved dearly. The brother unloved by their father. That was why Faramir looked so familiar to you. "You're Boromir's brother," you stated plainly and Faramir bowed his head. "I am. And you are?"

"Allow me to introduce Lady Y/N of Rohan and Peregrin Took of the Shire." Pippin finally stepped out from behind your legs to greet Faramir. Faramir smiled down at the hobbit. "Welcome to Gondor, though I am afraid you may not find your stay pleasant." You cocked your head to the side, but Faramir didn't elaborate. Instead, he lead the three of you into the steward's keep.

You walked next to Faramir and whispered to him, "He spoke of you. Boromir did." Faramir glanced at you and you could see the slight upturn of his lips. "Did he?" You nodded. "He did. He spoke highly of your kindness, your skill in battle and you compassion for others. He told me you two were close." Faramir had no time to respond when you approached the room where Denethor waited.

You could almost feel the hatred radiating from the steward of Gondor when his eyes landed on his only living son. It made you angry. You didn't understand how a man could hate his child who, according to what you'd heard, had done nothing to deserve such hate. As Gandalf was about to entreat Denethor, Pippin spoke up, offering himself into Denethor's service. You inhaled sharply at this, earning a glare from Denethor.

"And what of you? Do you offer your services as well? To atone for the death of my son?" You snorted out a laugh. "I do not. Boromir's choices were his own. He died a hero and that is all he wished. I will not grovel before you for something that Boromir chose." Your head was held high and your hand rested on the hilt of your sword. You didn't plan on attacking Denethor, but the feeling of your sword under your hand was a source of comfort.

"Have you no respect?" he snarled at you. Your eyes narrowed and Faramir stepped closer to you. He wasn't sure why, but he felt a need to protect you, although you probably didn't need him to. "I have more respect for your dead son than I do for a man of no honor. A man that holds that one son in higher regard than the other. A man that has no respect for the city he is to rule over in the absence of her king. A man who treats his people terribly."

"Curb your tongue, woman or I shall see you punished!" Gandalf placed a hand on your shoulder and gave it a warning squeeze. Taking a deep breath, you turned and left the room. Faramir's eyes followed your retreating form before returning his gaze to his father. The rage on Denethor's face was evident to everyone in the room and Faramir had to fight back a smile. No one had ever stood up to his father the way you just had. "Don't you have somewhere to be?!" Denethor snapped at Faramir. After a nod from Gandalf, Faramir left the room.

You were pacing in the corridor, muttering to yourself. "My lady," Faramir greeted with a smile which you returned. "My apologies, Lord Faramir. My tongue often has a mind of its own. I beg your forgiveness if I have made things worse with your father." Faramir shrugged. "I doubt it could get any worse. My father has never had any use for me." You frowned and a heavy silence fell over the two of you. You opened your mouth to speak, but Gandalf entered the corridor.

You glanced up at him sheepishly, but he smiled. "Denethor is rather impressed with you, Y/N. No one has had the nerve to speak to him the way you did. He declared that, were he looking for a bride, he would want you." You couldn't help but grimace at that making the two males laugh. The look in Gandalf's eyes told you that he was joking. "That was not at all funny, Gandalf," you scolded with a grin.

A maid appeared and informed you that she had been instructed to show you to your chambers. Faramir and Gandalf watched you go. "Denethor may not have his eyes on our lovely lady, but I can see one who does," Gandalf said softly, looking at Faramir who flushed lightly. "She is quite an extraordinary woman." The old wizard's lips spread in a knowing smile. "That she is, Faramir. That she is."

Faramir turned and walked away, leaving Gandalf in the corridor alone. On the way to his chambers, Faramir's mind was filled with thoughts of you. You had only just met, yet you showed him more kindness and gentleness in your brief meeting than he'd gotten in whole life. A complete stranger had come and captivated his mind entirely with simply a few words. He only hoped that he would be lucky enough to get to know you better and perhaps, nurture the feelings growing in his heart.     

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