Not Dead After All (Dwalin x reader)

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Dwalin sat with his tankard of ale in the banquet hall of Erebor. The grumpy dwarf was glad his journey was done. It had worn on him. Not that he would complain. He had set out to regain his home with his king, but not for his king. He had done it for you, to keep his promise to you.

When Smaug attacked, Dwalin had been separated from you and the two of you had never been reunited. Dwalin was certain you had died, but he was determined to return to the Mountain for the sake of your love for him. Now, his task was complete and he was free to spend the rest of his days with the memories of you. He had no idea that fate would not be so cruel.

Word had traveled to distant lands that the dragon Smaug was dead and Erebor belonged to the dwarves once again. Dwarves from all over converged on the mountain, mostly those who had once lived there. Those like you.

Sighing, you hiked your pack higher up on your shoulder. You had been traveling for so long, but the Lonely Mountain was now in sight. And what a bittersweet sight it was. You were almost home but at the same time it wasn't really home without Dwalin. You always assumed that Dwalin had died when Smaug set fire to Dale and the Mountain. "We're almost there," you brother said, placing a hand on your shoulder and you nodded. "Indeed we are. Another hour's journey."

Sure enough, you arrived at the gates of Erebor shortly after. You walked in and were almost taken back by the splendor of the kingdom. It was so beautiful. Much more than you remembered. Eventually, you made it to the banquet hall and you stopped dead. Your heart nearly stopped when you saw him. His back was to you, but you recognized his bald head anywhere. Dwalin. He wasn't dead after all. It took everything in you not to run over and throw your arms around him. Your brother noticed your gaze and smiled. He took your pack. "Go on."

You made your way over to where Dwalin was seated. You moved slowly to not draw attention to yourself. With every step you took, your knees began to shake more. What if he was different than you remembered? What if he didn't love you anymore? Or worse, what if he had found another love? Taking a breath and steeling your nerves, you stepped right up behind Dwalin and breathed his name.

The dwarf in question stiffened. Slowly, he set his tankard down and turned so he was facing you. He shot up from his seat and stared at you in disbelief. "Y-Y/N?!" You nodded and fought back tears. "It's me, Dwalin." In an instant, Dwalin's arms were around you as he pulled you close. You melted in his arms. You missed this. "I thought you were dead," he admitted softly. "I thought the same of you."

You pulled back from the hug. This was the side of Dwalin you loved. The soft,cuddly side that was reserved for you. "I missed you, Dwalin," you said, looking into his eyes and seeing the unshed tears. It was as if everyone else had disappeared and you two were the only ones in the world. You took his face in your hands and crushed your lips to his. Years of missed kisses all tried to come at once and you had to force yourself to pull away. Resting your forehead on his, you told him that you loved him. "Aye. I love ya too." You sighed happily. Finally, you were back in the arms of your One.    

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