A Job (Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader) Mob AU

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You honestly hadn't meant to get in the middle, especially working at a restaurant that was slowly going under. You hadn't meant to catch anyone's attention, least of all Thorin, the head of the Durin crime family. Yet here you were with his piercing blue eyes staring into your soul. Your knees were knocking together; you were so terrified. Was he going to kill you? Did you already know too much? You weren't ready to die yet. So why did you have to open your big mouth?

Thorin's gaze never left your face as you stood there with your whole body shaking. "And just how do you know this?" he asked. You'd made the mistake of making a comment under your breath when you served Thorin's table that afternoon. Unfortunately for you, Thorin had heard you. You licked your lips and took a split second to decide what you were going to say. Should you lie or not?

As if reading your mind, Thorin said, "If you lie to me, things will be much worse for you." He wasn't yelling or even slightly raising his voice. That made it even more frightening. His calm and even tone felt more dangerous than if he were screaming in your face.

"I, uh, I've been serving both you and Mr. Thranduil for years now. I hear things..." Thorin sat back in his chair, his eyes still glued to you. You shifted uncomfortably. "P-Please stop staring at me," you whispered just as your boss yelled for you to get back to work. You were locked in a staring contest with Thorin. After another minute that stretched on for what felt like hours, Thorin waved you off.

Needless to say, you couldn't focus on work for the rest of the day even though Thorin was nowhere in sight when you came back onto the floor. What was in sight was the huge tip he'd left you. You felt like your eyes were going to pop out of your head. The tip he left would cover your grocery bill for the month. "Whoa," you breathed out as you tried to go back to work. Your brain wouldn't let you. Surely there had to be more to your interaction than that.

You were right. When you left work that evening, there was a car waiting for you, along with a few men you didn't recognize. "Ms. Y/L/N, we need you to come with us," an older gentlemen said kindly. His attitude seemed out of place based on the man next to him. His arms were crossed over his barrel chest and he glared at you. That one you did recognize. He was always around Thorin.

"I'm sorry, but no. I'm going home." You turned to walk away to your own car, but felt a hand on your shoulder. "I really must insist, Miss. Mr. Oakenshield is requesting your presence." You let out a huff of air. Now it was just getting annoying. You decided that, despite your fear, you were going to go with them and give that man a piece of your mind. You spun back and got in the car with the two gentlemen. They whole way there, you fumed. How dare he just decide what you're going to do and when?! It was your life, not his!

As soon as the older gentleman, who had introduced himself as Balin, showed you where to go, you stormed into the room. Thorin was sitting at his desk and barely looked up when you entered the room. Laying eyes on him seemed to fuel your anger even more. You marched over and slammed your hands down on the desk. Thorin jumped a little and looked up at you.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! You can't just order me around like one of your lackeys! I'm not! Nor am I your child! Or your wife! Or even your mistress! I'm free to do as I please! So I ask again who the hell do you think you are?!" Thorin stood up and leaned over so the two of you were mere centimeters apart. His blue eyes refused to leave yours again and you felt the fear shoot through you once more. Still, you refused to back down.

"I think I'm the man who's about to be paying your paycheck," he told you, his voice a deep growl, "So I suggest you SIT DOWN!" With a small yelp, you plopped down in the chair behind you. Thorin straightened his jacket as he stood fully. "Now, let's start over, shall we? Welcome to Erebor manor, Miss Y/L/N. I asked you here-" You cut him off with a scoff and said, "More like dragged me."

"I ASKED you here to offer you a job." You crossed your arms over your chest and glared daggers at the man. "I have a job." Thorin chuckled, a deep, dark laugh that sent shivers down your spine. "Yes, I saw. A job where, despite the upscale atmosphere, men ogle you and sometimes try to touch what isn't appropriate. Where you work for less than minimum wage and minimal tips and your employer treats you like garbage. Tell me, is it really worth it?"

Your glare softened a bit. He was right to a degree. You hated your job and it certainly wasn't worth the money you were making. Still, you couldn't let this man run your life. "I'm doing just fine, Mr. Oakenshield. I manage just fine on my own." You stood to leave and Thorin sighed.

"Miss Y/L/N...I need you to understand, you know far more than you should. I'm being much more kind to you than say, Smaug, would if he were to find out about your rather intimate knowledge of how our crime families work." You froze in place. Smaug was notorious for killing all those who crossed him. "As it is, Thranduil isn't too happy about it either, but I managed to convince him you have value."

"Value? As what?" Thorin's lips upturned into a smile. One that looked slightly out of place, and yet somewhat attractive. It made you shudder. "You have value, Miss Y/L/N. You are an attractive woman and you listen. You have a good memory. People drop their guards around you. They say things around you that they normally wouldn't to others."

You licked your lips. "What are you saying?" The grin grew. "I'm saying, Miss, that I want you to work for me." You reached up and ran your hand through your hair. "As what?" Thorin tucked his hands in his pockets as he walked around the desk. He leaned against it with his gaze never wavering. "A spy, Y/N. I want you to spy for me." Your heart began pounding in your ear as you looked at him. "Well, what's your choice?"

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