The Bigger They Are (Dwalin x reader)

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Why you ever agreed to train with Dwalin was a mystery to you. You were panting heavily as you brought your sword down again, only to have it blocked by the burly dwarf yet again. Now, you weren't weak by any means, but Dwalin...he was not only strong, he was also very quick for someone so powerfully built. He blocked thrust after thrust and didn't look like he was even breaking a sweat. The two of you never stopped moving and soon it looked more like you were dancing.

"Ya can do better than that, Y/N!" Dwalin growled as you managed to block his thrust at the last minute. The force of the blow caused you to stagger backward. In your attempt to steady yourself, you completely lost your footing. You fell on your backside with a groan. Dwalin huffed and stood over you smirking. "Had enough?" You propped up on your elbows and gave a small smile. You quickly swiped Dwalin's feet out from under him. Once he fell, you rolled back onto your feet.

"No, Master Dwalin. I do not believe that I have," you answered smugly. He got himself back on his feet and came at you again. You were filled with vigor as you saw Dwalin finally running out of steam. You knew that eventually the older dwarf would become tired and start moving a little slower. Your smirk grew the longer you fought with Dwalin. He was beginning to sweat and his movements became heavy and sloppy. With one final blow, you were able to disarm Dwalin at last.

"Had enough?" you asked him sweetly. He gave a small chuckle and nodded. "Yeah, Y/N. I've had enough. Yer getting better. Soon you'll be able to beat every one. I bet ya could even take on Smaug himself." You sheathed the sword and returned it to Dwalin. "Well, you know what they say. They bigger they are, the harder they fall," you said with a wink and walked away. Dwalin watched you walk away and said to himself, "That one is going to be the death of me." 

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