Burglar (Human!Smaug x fem!dwarf reader)

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"Blasted coward of a hobbit," you swore under your breath as you made your way into the Mountain. Bilbo wasn't really a coward, but you knew your father would somehow hear you if you cursed him. It was better to blame the hobbit. In truth, Thorin didn't trust anyone to go into the Mountain to find the Arkenstone except you, his daughter. So instead of Bilbo, who was hired to do the job, you were sent in.

As you walked through the dark corridors, you couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. You'd never been to Erebor. You were born in the Blue Mountains, but your father's stories, along with those of Dwalin and Balin, made you feel as if you knew Erebor as well as they did. As if that were your home.

You walked through the winding corridors until you came to the largest room you'd ever seen. Hills of gold were in every corner, just waiting to be collected. Jewels of all kinds were scattered around, nearly lost in the sea of gold. It was beautiful beyond measure and you would have stared for hours if you had the chance. However, you had a job to do.

Slowly, you made your way down to the vast amount of gold. You had an idea of what the Arkenstone looked like, but you weren't entirely sure. You only knew that you had to be careful, in case the dragon was not dead or gone, as was expected.

"I can smell you, thief," a gravelly voice called out, making you duck behind a fallen pillar. You peeked out, but didn't see anything. Your brows furrowed in confusion and you came out from your hiding place. You resumed your search for a few moments before the voice spoke again. "A dwarf. I thought your kind would know to stay away from my treasure." This time, you actually jumped. You expected to see a dragon any minute now.

To your surprise, it wasn't a dragon you saw. It was a man, or something similar. His skin had a pinkish-red tint and his reptilian eyes were a orange-gold color. You couldn't hide your surprise. "S-Smaug," you squeaked out and he gave you a wicked grin, revealing a row of sharp teeth. "Surprised, dwarf?" You nodded. "I can become human when I choose." He took a step closer to you and you couldn't deny that you were shaking in your boots. This...man could turn into a dragon and kill you in an instant if he desired.

"Why should you chose to?" you asked, making him stop walking. He pondered for a moment before replying, "It does make it easier to move around my mountain and to give each and every piece my treasure the attention it deserves." His golden eyes darted around the room. Then, he turned them back on you, narrowed suspiciously. "You came to steal from me." Your eyes widened and you tried to deny it.

Smaug let out a dark chuckle. "Do not lie to me, she-dwarf. I know a thief when I smell one." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Who's the thief here? Me, a dwarf who merely wished to see the land of her father or you, the dragon who stole it in the first place? You should take a gaze in the glass before calling someone a thief." As you spoke, a bright glimmer caught your eye. It was different than any other jewel in the place. It could only be the Arkenstone.

"You are either very brave or very foolish to speak to me in such a manner, dwarf." You rolled your eyes and groaned. "I have a name, Smaug." He took a step closer to you, so close you could feel the heat radiating off of him. "Your name holds no interest for me. However, I do not like to be at a disadvantage. What do they call you?" You answered him quickly, hoping he would move away from you.

"Y/N? Sounds like the name of a precious jewel," he hissed, but didn't move away. You decided to move instead, eager to put some space between you both. "Why do you run away, treasure?" he asked in a hiss. You looked at him like he'd lost his mind. "You're a dragon. A dragon that killed many dwarves and men. The one that stole my family's home and everything in it. You could kill me in an instant if you chose to."

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