Evermore(Thorin Oakenshield x fem!reader)

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(Songfic with "Evermore" from "Beauty and the Beast" by Dan Stevens)

I was the one who had it all
I was the master of my fate
I never needed anybody in my life
I learned the truth too late
I'll never shake away the pain
I close my eyes but she's still there
I let her steal into my melancholy heart
It's more than I can bear

Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she runs away
She will still torment me
Calm me, hurt me
Move me, come what may
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in
And be with me for evermore

Sitting in his study, Thorin sighed. The parchment in front of him held no interest for him anymore. Not with you being gone. How had it come to this? How had he come to love a random woman who had joined his Company on their quest for the mountain? He'd never needed anyone before. Not in the way he needed you. Now, the battle was won and you had left again. Physically anyway.

When he closed his eyes, Thorin could clearly picture you. Your (h/l) (h/c) locks, your piercing (e/c) gaze, the soft, sad smile you'd given him as you left Erebor. Somehow, you'd managed to wiggle your way into his hardened heart and now, Thorin knew he'd never be rid of you. And he didn't want to. The very thought of you was enough to drive him insane and yet, he couldn't bring himself to forget you. He knew that he would spend the rest of his lonely life in the company of his memories of you.

I rage against the trials of love
I curse the fating of the light
Though she's already flown so far beyond my reach
She's never out of sight

Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she fades from view
She will still inspire me
Be a part of everything I do
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in
And as the long, long nights begin
I'll think of all that might have been
Waiting here for evermore

Thorin smiled at the memories. Every laugh, every frown and every smile you'd ever given him flashed through his mind. Thoughts of how you'd both fought against what was happening. He had tried so hard to ignore the feeling of love and adoration rising in his heart. Then, he finally gave in. He chose to accept that you were his One. The woman he was meant to be with, forever.

And yet, he let you go without a fight. He couldn't find it in himself to force you to love him. Still, when he closed his eyes and saw your face, he grinned. He realized that you would never, in fact, leave him. He sought comfort in that. It would be enough. Wouldn't it? Thorin could only hope it would. If not, his only prayer was that, one day, you would return to him.

"Thorin?" a soft voice startled Thorin from his thoughts. His eyes flew open to see you standing in the doorway. "Y-Y/N?" That same soft smile spread across your lips. "You came back." Thorin stood from his chair and walked around the desk. You took a step further into the room. "I did." Thorin's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why?" Another step closer to him. "I could not stay away." Thorin could not think of any reason that you would return so soon.

Before he realized it, you were standing toe-to-toe, the distance between you miniscule. "I could not stay away from the one I love," you whispered. In his shock, Thorin did not notice you leaning up to press a gentle kiss to his lips. He recovered quickly and wrapped his arms around you and kissed you back. His heart was pounding in his chest. You had come back and Thorin was not going to let you go again if he could help it. He was going to cherish you and every day he had with you. For evermore.    

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