Sleepless Nights (Lindir x fem!reader)

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You nearly jumped out of your skin when you opened your eyes to find your young son, Lyrath standing next to your bed. Your sudden movement woke your husband. "What is it, Ionneg?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "Ellisar is crying again, Nana" You nodded and moved to get up, but Lindir stopped you. " I shall go, Melamin." Your youngest son, Ellisar had taken to crying off and on all night. This was the fourth night in a row.

Lindir got out of bed, brushing his long brown locks from his face. "Are you certain?" He smiled and assured you that he would handle it. He picked up Lyrath and headed to the room your sons shared. You sighed happily, grateful that your husband was so wonderful. He still worked at Lord Elrond's steward, but he spent plenty of time at home with you and your sons.

After a few moments, Lindir hadn't returned and your brows furrowed. You didn't worry long because soon you heard Lindir's dulcet voice drifting through your home. He was singing softly to your son, bringing a smile to your face. You'd always loved listening to Lindir sing, but hearing him singing to your children was something different. Every note was full of love and happiness.

A few moments later, Lindir returned to your shared bedroom and climbed into bed. He pulled you close to him, your back against his chest. He rest his chin on your shoulder and sighed in content. While Lindir was not always affectionate, he loved holding you close at night. "Are they asleep?" He hummed in answer, making you chuckle. "Thank you, Melamin." He hummed again. Lindir tended to lose his ability to speak when he was tired.

You closed your eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but it was only a few minutes later that your door opened again and Lyrath returned. You and Lindir both sat up. The two of you exchanged a glance in silent conversation. Then, you beckoned Lyrath into the bed with you. The elfling quickly scrambled into the bed as you got up to fetch your youngest yet again.

No sooner did you have your son in your arms did he fall asleep. Apparently he just didn't want to be away from you or Lindir. You thought perhaps he was teething and found your presence comforting. You decided the best thing to do would be to return to your bedroom with him. You quietly walked into your bedroom and found Lindir and Lyrath fast asleep. Chuckling to yourself, you sat down in your rocking chair with Ellisar. You carefully rocked with him. As you looked over at your sleeping family, you felt a love like no other and suddenly, you were grateful for your sleepless nights.


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