A Messy Situation (Kili x reader x Lindir)

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You rolled your eyes as the dwarves started up. They were all grumpy and you had honestly had enough. They complained about everything, from the fact that you were all even in Rivendell to the lack of meat in the meal that Lord Elrond had graciously offered you. You ate with gusto and then tried to strike up a conversation with Dwalin next to you. He was not in the mood, so you rose from your seat and went in search of better company.

You looked over an saw a tall, brunette elf standing nearby. It was Lord Elrond's steward, Lindir. The ruckus from the dwarves was getting louder as you approached the elf. Lindir offered a small smile as you neared. You were about to open your mouth to pose a question when something hit the side of your face. You flushed with embarrassment before you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Lindir quickly helped you clean your face and you smiled up at him.

Once your face was clean, you slowly turned toward the dwarves table. Your eyes scanned the table for the most likely culprit. The entire company looked almost frightened. They were all staring at you except one. "Kili." He gulped and met your gaze. "Y-yes, Y/N?" You slowly walked over to the table and tried to look as menacing as possible. You glared at the dwarf prince and asked, "Do you want to explain to me why you threw that?"

The rest of the company held back snickers. They'd never seen Kili look so scared, not even when Thorin was yelling at him. "I, uh, wanted to see what would happen?" It sounded like more of a question than an explanation. "I see, well now you know. Now, you will go clean up that mess on the floor and then you WILL apologize to me when I'm not so angry." Kili groaned.

"I really don't think I should have to clean it. I mean, the elf already cleaned it off your face." You glared at him again. "Kili, you will do what I said or so help me I will shave off what little beard you have!" The eyes of everyone in the company widened. "I'd do what Y/N says lad," Dwalin muttered. You'd never seen Kili move as fast as he did then. After he cleaned up the mess, Kili returned to his seat and didn't say another word. You walked away to cool off. Even though you were angry, you didn't want to take it out on anyone else.

"You did not have to do that, mellon," came Lindir's voice from behind you. "You are all Lord Elrond's guests and it is not the duty of one in your company to clean up." You smirked. "Lindir, I apologize if I offended you or Lord Elrond. That was not my intention. It was to make Kili understand that there is a time and place to act like child and that there are consequences for his actions sometimes."

The sound of someone clearing their throat made you turn. There stood Kili, looking sheepishly down at his feet. Lindir gave you a small bow and left the two of you alone. "I apologize Y/N," Kili said softly. He really did look like a child that had been chastised. "I forgive you, Kee. You just need to know that this is not the place to act like an animal." He nodded and finally looked up at you. "Would you really shave my beard?" You laughed and replied, "Probably not, but I knew that was a sure way to get you to do what I wanted." 

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