Insomnia and Lullabies(Thorin Oakenshield x reader)

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(Everybody lives AU)

It had plagued you all your life. Insomnia. You envied people like your love Thorin who, it seemed, could fall asleep anywhere. You glanced over at him, almost smiling at his peaceful face. Sighing softly, you got up and left your shared chambers as quietly as you could. You didn't want to wake Thorin. His days were so busy and he needed the peace. You soon found yourself wandering the corridors of Erebor, your robe wrapped firmly around you against the cool air in the mountain.

You weren't alone in the halls for long. You soon ran into Kili and Fili. "What are you boys up to?" you asked, a brow quirked. They stopped what they were doing and looked at you with guilty expressions. "N-Nothing," Kili stuttered, earning a glare from his brother. "What are you doing up, Y/N? Shouldn't you be asleep?" You shrugged. "Insomnia. I cannot seem to find rest tonight." The boys nodded in understanding.

"I used to be the same...before the journey. Why don't we go to the kitchen and get you some warm cocoa? Maybe that will help you." You nodded and followed the brothers down to Erebor's kitchens. A few minutes later, you had your cocoa and were sitting and joking with the boys. Suddenly, Fili yawned. "It is late. We should all probably head to bed," you offered and they agreed. You could see how tired they both were. "Good night boys. Go get some rest." You got up and returned to your chambers.

Your brows furrowed when you did not see Thorin in the bed. Your worries were soon put to rest when the door to the bath chamber opened. "Amrâlimê," he sighed out, his blue eyes shining with relief. "I was worried. I do not like waking up without you beside me." You gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry, my love. I could not sleep. I am afraid my restlessness is getting worse." Your love nodded in understanding. "My dear Y/N I wish you would have said. Come."

You walked into his open arms, breathing in the familiar scent that you adored. "Let's get to bed." At your nod, Thorin stepped back and took your hand in his, leading you over to your bed. He climbed in and moved so you could slide in next to him. His arms wrapped around you and he pulled you close. A moment later, his deep voice filled the chamber with a lullaby you'd never heard before. You smiled to yourself, cuddling closer into his side.

You felt the rumble of his chest as he sang and you felt safe and loved, as you always did when Thorin was with you. His voice was intoxicating and soothing at the same time. You felt your eyelids growing heavy. Thorin finished his song and kissed the top of your head. You made a noise of content, making Thorin chuckle softly. It only took a moment for his voice to start singing again. It was low and slow. Comforting. Whether it was because you fell asleep or because Thorin did, you never heard the end of the lullaby. You fell asleep wrapped in the arms of the dwarf you loved.x����'�

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