She's Not Normal (Legolas x fem!elf reader)

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You groaned to yourself as you tripped over another tree root in the forest. If not for the fact that you had pointed ears, no one would even know you were an elf. You were not like other elves. You were clumsy and you gave into your emotions easily. You had the beauty of an elf and the fighting skills, but that's where the similarities ended. The whispers of the others never failed to reach your ears. "She's not normal." That's what they always said. They really didn't like you and, if they knew your secret, they'd probably hate you.

For years now, you had been in a relationship with the Prince of Mirkwood, Legolas. You were pretty certain the other elves would not approve, so you kept your relationship under wraps much to Legolas' dismay.

"Something is troubling you, Melamin," Legolas said to you when you entered his chambers as he packed for your journey. You glanced into his blue eyes and sighed. "My mind is uneasy. We have never gone to Rivendell together. The elves there are more observant. They will not like this." Legolas stopped what he was doing and walked over to you. Taking your hands in his, he gave you a smile. "Melamin. Y/N, they will have no say in this. I love you and, if the opinions of my own people cannot change that, neither will the opinions of those in Rivendell."

You looked at your joined hands before shifting your gaze back to his. Legolas was everything an elf should be. He was graceful, confident, a skilled fighter. Everything one pictured when they thought of elves. "Are you still willing to join me, Y/N? I cannot imagine going on this journey without you by my side." You smiled and agreed readily.

However, before you could set out for Rivendell, Legolas had to inform his father of the elves he would be taking with him. You walked in behind Legolas, your hands clasped in front of you as the other elves in the room eyed you. They always made sure to keep their distance in case you ended up face planting. You'd almost stabbed someone before during training when you tripped. "Ada, I have chosen my guard for the journey to Rivendell." Thranduil turned his ice blue eyes, similar to those of his son, to the few elves behind Legolas. When his gaze found you, he arched a brow.

"Y/N?" You looked up at him and he smirked down at you in amusement. "You wish to take Y/N with you?" You could feel Legolas stiffen. "Yes. I will not leave her here." Thranduil gave his son a look that caused Legolas to change his tone. "Y/N is a skilled fighter. I know she will protect me with her life if necessary." Thranduil sighed as if he were already bored with the conversation. "So would any other elf in the guard."

Legolas now had his fists balled at his side and it took everything in you not to reach over to comfort him. "I will not leave without Y/N." Thranduil came down from his throne to stand right in front of Legolas. "What is your obsession with her? She is not like other elves." Legolas nodded. "Exactly. She is not. I am not betrothed to any other elf." His voice was just loud enough for Thranduil, you and the two other elves next to you to hear.

You gaped at him. That wasn't how you expected him to reveal your relationship. "I would not only betroth yourself with asking my blessing, but you would promise yourself to a lowly elf who cannot walk properly. Very well, take her with you, but when she dies, I will not comfort you." With that, Thranduil turned and left.

Legolas turned to face you and ordered, "Leave us." The other elves scattered. "Betrothed?" He had the decency to look sheepish. "Yes. It was not how I meant to ask for your hand, but it is what I wish.If you are in agreement?" You grinned. "Of course I am, Legolas. I love you." He kissed your forehead. "And I you. Now, we have a journey to begin." You followed him from the room, ready for whatever obstacles lay ahead.    

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