Not Human (Lindir x fem!Peredhel* reader)

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(*Half-human, half-elf)

The best thing about being only half-elf was that, unless you told someone or showed them your ears, they would never know. You were grateful for this when Gandalf insisted that you join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. The dwarves, especially Thorin, had no love for elves so you weren't sure what Gandalf had been thinking. Still, if you actually made it to the mountain, you would earn a cut of the profits. That was enough to motivate you. You had to put food on the table after all.

You'd managed to keep your parentage a secret right up until you stopped in Rivendell. And it was all Lindir's doing. From the moment you met Lord Elrond's steward, you'd felt a pull toward him. Something about him called out to you. Something about him became all-consuming in your mind and you had no idea what to do about it. You didn't know that Lindir was feeling that same pull and confusion.

Lindir's POV

Lindir couldn't understand it. It was rare for an elf's love, the one he/she is meant to be with, to be human. A human lives but a fraction of the time of an elf. And yet, here he was, feeling the pull that indicated a true love. He felt it whenever your (e/c) eyes met his. He felt the need to be near you always. If he were not an elf, his thoughts would be shameful.

As it was, Lindir could already almost feel himself fading away. He knew what you were supposed to be to him, but when an elf loves, it is meant to be forever. How could he have forever with you when you were a human? It wasn't possible and the grief in knowing that was almost too much for Lindir. Until one evening when everything changed.

It seemed Lindir couldn't put distance between you even when he tried. He was getting some time away from the Company, but stumbled upon you instead. You were sitting alone, gazing up at the stars with a soft smile on your lips. Your (h/c) locks had fallen back and Lindir could see, very clearly, the unmistakably pointed ears.

"You are not of the Race of Man?" You jumped before turning to face him. "Lindir! You frightened me!" He bowed his head in apology. "You are not human," he repeated. Your hands instantly moved up to your ears. "N-Not fully," you murmured. "Peredhel," Lindir whispered, earning a small nod from you. "Yes. My mother was of the Race of Man. My father was an elf."

Lindir tried not to smile. He tried not to let his selfish longing cloud his judgment. Truly he did, but there was no helping it. Not really. "I am glad." You looked at him in confusion. "I beg your pardon?" you asked. Lindir gestured to the seat beside you, silently asking permission to sit. You granted it without ever taking your eyes off him. Once Lindir sat down, he let out a soft sigh.

"It is selfish, I know, but I had hoped that my assumption was incorrect. I had hoped you were not human." You cocked your head to the side. Lindir studied your face for a moment. You didn't look disgusted or angry. Simply curious. He continued, "I feel this pull to you, my lady. I am not certain if you know of it. Within the elven race, it is said that an elf only truly loves once in their lifetime. They call to us down to the our very bones. I feel that with you. I could not stay away if I wanted to. Even when you leave, I will feel it."

You stayed silent for a moment too long and Lindir worried that he had offended or frightened you. He let himself look at you again. You weren't looking at him, but down at the ground. Your hands were fidgeting in your lap. The longer your silence stretched, the worse Lindir began to feel. Finally, you spoke again.

"Is that what this is? This feeling I get when I see you? The pull of a true love..." you trailed off as you slowly looked up at Lindir. He gave you a soft smile. "Then you feel it as well?" You nodded. "I wasn't certain what it was. I was raised by humans who never spoke of things like this. I thought I was going mad or suffering sleep deprivation. I had no idea." Lindir's smile widened a bit.

"I would like to get to know you, Lindir. Very much." Lindir felt an object coming. "However?" You sighed before running your fingers through your hair. "I made a promise. I signed a contract." Lindir nodded in understanding. "I cannot abandon them now. Can you understand that?" you asked, gently grabbing Lindir's hand.

For a moment, Lindir lost all power of speech. Elves did not show affection in the way humans did, but he couldn't help but to admit that your touch felt nice. Lovely. "I do understand," he began after a moment, "Do what you must. I will still be here upon your return." You smiled again before giving his hand a soft squeeze. "I will count the days, Lindir."

The next morning, before dawn, the Company of dwarves, along with you, had left. Lindir informed Lord Elrond and the council before gazing out at the lands surrounding the valley. Even though he couldn't see you, Lindir knew you were thinking of him. He knew that he would hold you in his heart until the day he saw you again and even longer. His Y/N. His love. His Peredhel. 

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