Daughter of Lothlorien (Legolas x fem!reader) Soulmate AU

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(a/n: translations at the bottom. I got them from here: http://www.arwen-undomiel.com/elvish/phrases.html)

All his life, Legolas had one constant. Your voice in his head. It wasn't just him. Everyone heard their soulmate's voice in their head until the day they met. Your voice haunted Legolas, especially when you were singing in his head. There was a part of him that couldn't wait to meet you if only to get your thoughts to disappear.

Meanwhile, you heard his thoughts loud and clear. Thoughts of an upcoming war that would tear Middle Earth apart. Thoughts of destroying one of the most powerful objects in the world. Thoughts of protecting the hobbits from the evil of the world. As the days went on, his thoughts only became louder. You just wished you knew whose thoughts they were exactly. Luckily, you would soon find out.

You were standing behind your mother and father when they approached. You instantly knew your soulmate was one among the fellowship. Four hobbits stood in the center of the group and they all looked terrified. There were also two men, a dwarf, and an elf. Your gaze rested on him and you found his eyes already on yours. "Is it truly you?" you asked in your mind, hoping he would hear you. His blue eyes widened slightly.

"Our daughter, Lady Y/N," Lord Celeborn introduced and suddenly, the intrusive thoughts of your soulmate disappeared. That was the last sign you needed to know your soulmate was in that group. You briefly glanced over at your mother who nodded slightly with a soft smile. The Lady Galadriel had known all along who your soulmate was, but had refused to tell you. She always said you would meet him when the "time was right". Apparently the time was right now.

"Welcome to Lothlorien," you greeted, returning you gaze to the fellowship. The elf in the group smiled. "It is you," he whispered, just loudly enough for you to hear. You couldn't stop your lips from spreading into a smile. One of the men leaned forward and whispered in the elf's ear. "Show them where they can rest, Iellig," your mother told you at the same time. You nodded and motioned for them all to follow you. You felt his eyes on the back of your head the entire time.

Once you saw to it that the fellowship was settled in, you turned to go. When you turned, you came face to face with him. You jumped, a bit startled that he was so close. "Goheno Nin, Hiril Vuin." You nodded. Hearing his voice clearly brought a feeling of nostalgia. That same voice you'd heard your whole life brought you comfort.

"There is nothing to forgive," you assured him. He smiled. "What is your name?" you asked him. He gave a bow and told you, "Im Legolas." Your eyes widened in surprise. "Legolas? As in the Prince of Mirkwood?" He nodded. "You have been away from home for some time."

You and Legolas spent the rest of the evening talking with one another. You had known his deepest thoughts, but other than that, you knew nothing about him. He didn't often think of himself. Then again, neither did you. You were too busy thinking about the welfare of your people and the rest of Middle Earth.

"Your mission is a dangerous one, Legolas," you told him after he explained exactly what the mission was. "Should you fail..." you trailed off, unable to put your fears into words. You glanced down at the ground. How could you tell him that you feared losing him already? You hardly knew him. Except that you did. You had known him all your life or at least his thoughts.

"We will not fail, Y/N. Certainly not now." His fingers hooked under your chin and he lifted your head up so he could see your eyes. You looked at him confused. You longed to know what he was thinking like you had before that day. "Why not now?" He smiled. "Now I have more reason to succeed. I have waited so long to meet you and I will not lose you now." You simply stared at him as silence descended over you.

"Tolo ar nin, Melamin," he whispered, taking you by surprise once more. He wanted you to go with him. "Legolas... what of my people? I cannot abandon them now." The smile left his face as quickly as it had appeared. "I have to go. Ollo vae." With that, you turned away and left him standing there under the stars.

You ran to find your mother, only to find Frodo leaving her. "Iellig?" You glanced up at your mother, trying to fight back tears. Without even saying a word, your mother knew what had happened. "You should go, my child. Fight alongside him." You opened your mouth to argue, but she stopped you. "You can better serve our people by fighting for them rather than remaining behind our borders, hiding from what is out there."

You left your mother's side and climbed into your favorite tree. You sat up in that tree for the night, gazing up at the stars and asking yourself what you should do. Did you go with your soulmate to try and save the world you lived in or did you stay safe within the confines of Lothlorien? You knew what you wanted to do, but was it the right decision?

When the sun began to peek through the canopy of the forest, you knew your answer. Climbing down from the tree, you ran as fast as your legs would carry you, your (h/c) locks flowing behind you. You only hoped you made it in time.

You burst through the trees and caught sight of the blond hair you'd been looking for. "Legolas," you breathed hoping to only catch his attention. He turned and frowned. Slowly, you approached him. "Legolas, please forgive my foolishness. I was...frightened. So much has changed in a short time. I wish to join you, if you will have me." The frown on his lips upturned into a smile. "Truly?" You nodded.

Reaching out carefully, you took his hand in yours and moved it up to your cheek. "I would travel anywhere with you, Melamin. My place is by your side," you whispered, "And if I can protect you with my life, I shall." Legolas pressed his lips to your forehead. "As shall I, Y/N."

*Iellig - My daughter

*Goheno Nin - Forgive Me

*Hiril Vuin - My Lady

*Tolo ar nin - Come with me

*Melamin - My Love

*Ollo Vae -Sweet Dreams

*Im - I am/My name is    

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