Lost Lover Found Again (Thranduil x elf!reader)

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Frowning, you kicked at the wall of the cell. Imprisoned by your own people. Your own people who hadn't even recognized you. Now, Thorin was up there, talking with Thranduil and you were down in the dungeons kicking things. You needed to see Thranduil to tell him that you were alright. That you weren't dead.

Meanwhile, Thorin was arguing with Thranduil. He refused to accept his deal and was in the process of telling him so when one of the guards came in. He whispered something in Elvish and Thranduil nodded. "Take him back to the dungeon and bring me the elf in their company," he ordered.

That was how you found yourself being dragged out of your cell and up the stairs. Your heart was pounding in your chest. It had been so long since you'd seen Thranduil. Would he even recognize you? You weren't certain, but you had probably had changed a lot in the years since you'd last seen him. Since you were taken from Mirkwood.

You had been out patrolling when it happened. Orcs had crossed the borders and had taken you from your home. You had managed to escape, but by the time you had, you were far from Mirkwood. You were tired, hungry, and poor with no way to get home. So, you spent your time helping those in need, which is what lead you to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield.

You walked up to the place where Thranduil's throne was seated. Thranduil's back was to you, which made you ever more nervous. The guard cleared his throat, making Thranduil turn. His icy blue gaze landed on your and his eyes widened. "Y/N?" You let your lips upturn in a small smile. "Yes, my King." Thranduil ordered the guards to leave, his tone sharp and final. Even you flinched.

Once the guards were gone, Thranduil practically flew down the steps toward you. In an instant he had you in his arms. "Y/N, where are have you been, Melamin?" Instead of answering, you wrapped your arms around him. The human gesture softened the king. He had missed you and you had certainly missed him. You felt wonderful being in your former lover's again. "Thranduil, my love. Does it matter?" He rested his forehead on yours and breathed in your scent. "Tell me you won't leave me again," he whispered.

This was a side of Thranduil that the rest of his people didn't see. His soft side. The part of him that he had hidden away when his queen had died. It remained locked away until he had met you. You had brought the gentle and caring side out again. Then, you disappeared and he locked it away again, much to his people's dismay.

"I cannot tell you that, Melamin. I gave Thorin Oakenshield my word that would help him to reclaim the Mountain. I will not go back on it." Thranduil frowned, pulling away from you. You smiled at him again. "But I can promise that I will do everything in my power to come back to you again." Thranduil sighed and brought your hands up to his lips. "I cannot let them leave, Y/N." Your gaze hardened, but Thranduil continued, "However, if they were to escape, I would not stop them. What happens beyond our borders is not my concern."

You scoffed lightly, but you knew that was just the way Thranduil was and had always been. "I missed you, Thranduil." You kissed his cheek and held him close. You knew your time with him was limited for now and you wanted to soak in as much as you could. "And I you. Are you certain there is nothing I can do to convince you to stay? Anything at all?" You chuckled at his question. "Thranduil..."

"Please, Y/N. I do not want to lose you again." You reached down and took his hands in yours. "You won't. No matter what happens, you will not lose me." He shook his head. "You cannot know that." You smiled once more. "Do you want to know how I know it?" He nods. "I know because you never truly leave the ones you love. And I do love you, Thranduil. I always have and I always will."

Thranduil removed his hands from your and wrapped his arms around you again. "How did you become so wise?" he asked with a chuckle and you shrugged. "Will you at least accompany me to the Feast this evening?" You grew confused. "Is it truly Mereth Nuin Giliath already?" you asked and Thranduil confirmed quickly. "Please say you'll join me. Dance with me again." You leaned in and kissed him deeply. When you pulled away you said, "I would dance with you for the rest of our lives, Melamin."     

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