Cover Up (Dwalin x fem!reader)

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Dwalin didn't like you. It was obvious to you. What wasn't obvious was why. You had gone out of your way to be kind to the stubborn dwarf warrior, but he would have none of it. You tried talking to him and he merely ignored you or gave some rude comment or another about ladies being too soft for the wilderness. He'd been that way since you met the company back at your cousin Bilbo's home, but tonight was worse than ever.

"Here you are, Master Dwalin," you said handing him a bowl of stew. He glared at you, but took the bowl anyway. "Y/N! How about some training after supper?" the blond Durin called from across the fire. You smiled, but before you could answer, Dwalin spoke up, "Why bother? The lass can't handle a blade and she's useless with a bow." You looked at him, dumbstruck. You may not be the best with a sword, but you were far from useless.

"Lass makes a good stew though," Bofur quipped with a mouthful. Dwalin looked down at his bowl and replied, "Bombur makes a better one." You'd had enough. He'd never said those thoughts out loud before and they stung. "That's it. This isn't fair, Dwalin! I have been nothing but kind to you! I've tried to be your friend but all I get in return is you being incredibly rude! You aren't even this rude to my cousin! I'm sick of it! How about you drop the tough guy act and try being nice for a change!"

Without waiting for a response, you stormed off leaving Dwalin standing there speechless along with the rest of the company. After a moment of complete silence, the conversations resumed except for Dwalin who was staring off in the direction you had gone. "Why were you so rude to the lass, Brother?" Balin asked as Thorin and Gandalf looked on in amusement. Dwalin had never been good at expressing his true feelings. He always covered them up with rude remarks but only Balin and Thorin knew this.

"I don't know. I just can't take her presence. She's always so chipper and kind and beautiful and...what?" Dwalin stopped when he noticed the looks the other three were giving him. Gandalf looked down at the warrior with a knowing smile. "Perhaps, Master Dwalin, now would be the time to go and tell her exactly how it is you feel before it is too late," the wizard said slyly. For probably the first time since he was a young dwarrow, Dwalin felt his face heat up.

Dwalin walked in the direction he saw you leave and soon found you sitting on the river bank. He was shocked to hear that you were crying. You had shown so much strength up until that point that it never occurred to Dwalin how much his words actually hurt you. "Y/N," he called making you jump. "What do you want, Master Dwalin?" you asked, not bothering to hide your tears. "I came to, uh, apologize for being rude." You looked at him. "Why were you? What have I done to deserve it?"

Dwalin shook his mostly bald head quickly and said, "Ya didn't do a thing, lass! I just didn't know how ta tell ya." Another sniffle. "Tell me what?" Dwalin took a deep breath before saying, "Tell ya that I love ya." You stared at him for a minute before smiling sadly. "Oh, Dwalin. Why didn't you say anything? We could have avoided all this." Dwalin perked up for a moment. "D-do you feel the same, lass?" You shook your head slowly. "I'm sorry, Master Dwalin. I cannot give my heart to someone that is incapable of sharing his true feelings with me. Perhaps one day there will be a chance for us, but not today." With that, you slowly made your way back to camp. Dwalin sat there on the bank, knowing that he had been too late.


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