Not Everything's a Competition (Eomer x reader)

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Most people found your relationship with the leader of the neighboring kingdom of Rohan quite funny. You weren't friends in the slightest so the alliance you had was built more on necessity rather than friendship. Your kingdoms were allies, but you and Eomer seemed to always be in competition to see whose kingdom was better.

It was always, "Who grew better crops that season?" or "Who helped their people the most?". It even went so far as "Which leader was closest to a marriage proposal?". If it could be a competition, you made it into one. You were practically enemies. But that would all change the day you needed help.

When the enemies charged your kingdom, you were ready to fight. You weren't one of those rulers who sat on their throne and let your soldiers do all the fighting. You weren't about to ask them to put their lives on the line if you weren't willing to do the same. So, you fought alongside them giving it everything you had. It wasn't enough.

You had lost all track of time as you fought as rain beat down on you and your people were being beaten back. That was when you heard it. Riders coming from the opposite direction. At first, you held your breath waiting to see what these new people would do. Your people couldn't handle fighting another army at this point. Much to your delight, the riders began cutting down your enemies. With renewed vigor, you joined in the fray yet again.

Hours later, covered in mud and blood, you sought out the leader of the riders who had come to your aide. After asking several of the new comers, you were finally pointed in the right direction. As you approached you let your eyes scan the rider and his horse. Your eyes widened. You recognized that white and grey horse. Firefoot. The horse that belonged to King Eomer.

"King Eomer," you greeted. The man in question turned to you. A frown was painted on his lips. "Y/N. Are you alright?" You nodded and looked down at your feet. "Thank you for coming to our rescue. I would likely not be here if it wasn't for you." Eomer sighed. "As soon as I heard about the attack, I came." You looked back up.

"Why? We don't really like each other." Eomer laughed a bit. "That may be true, but we have an alliance. Our people help each other. Besides, if something happened to you, who else could I surpass in just about everything?" You glared at him as you gave him a light shove. "Arrogant arse," you grumbled, making him laugh once more.

"Well, you and your riders are welcome to stay here tonight. We will have a feast in your honor." It took Eomer a few beats, but he finally agreed. You stood there awkwardly for a moment. It was odd being in his presence without competing about something. "I think I'll go see to my wounded. I'll have my steward show you to your chambers." With that, you scurried off.

That evening found you and Eomer in competition yet again. This time, a drinking game. You normally didn't drink much, but once Eomer started, you weren't far behind. By the time the feast was winding down, you had no clue how much you'd had. That didn't seem to matter though. You were a talkative drinker and usually tended to remember most things.

"You know, I quite enjoy our little games," you told him taking another swallow. "As do I, but not everything's a competition, you know." You shrugged. "I know, but teasing you is so much fun. I tease all my friends." Eomer arched a brow. It was becoming more and more obvious by the minute that he wasn't nearly as drunk as you were.

"Are we friends now, Y/N?" he asked and you nodded. "You saved my people, my life, without a reason to. I think that makes us friends." Eomer clapped you on the shoulder. "Very well then. Friends it is." You smiled as you laughed. "You do realize that means I'm still going to tease you and kick your arse all the time, right?" Eomer's thick brow rose. "Kick my arse? I don't think so. I do believe I've won this drinking game, considering how far gone you are." You laughed.

"You're right. But that's okay because tomorrow, I'll be back to beating you." Eomer's chuckles echoed through the slowly emptying hall. "Sure, Y/N. Whatever you say." He gestured to someone who came to escort you to your chambers. You were asleep the moment your head hit the pillow.

The next morning, you were up in time to see Eomer off. "Thank you again for your assistance, Eomer. I will never forget it." Eomer smiled. "Of course. I only hope that you never have to return the favor. But please know that Rohan's gates are always open to you. I could beat you at another drinking game." You rolled your eyes and laughed again.

"I will take you up on that. Until then, I'll pray you have safe travels." He mounted his horse. You watched as he rode off with his riders behind him. You smiled knowing that the man that had been your enemy yesterday was now your friend. 

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