One (Dwalin x fem!hobbit reader)

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You gave Dwalin a smile from your seat next to your brother Bilbo. He was chattering away about something, but you really weren't paying attention. You were too focused on the big, burly dwarf across the table from you. Dwalin had hardly said a word since you set foot in Rivendell, but that wasn't unusual. It was unusual, however, for Dwalin to glare if anyone other than your brother came near you. It didn't bother you. In fact, you were really flattered. You had a soft spot for the old warrior after all.

Dwalin acknowledged your smile with a curt nod as he glared at yet another elf neared your seat. When you flashed him a look of confusion, Dwalin quit glaring and turned his attention to his plate. He couldn't understand it, the unnatural pull he felt toward you. He knew he liked you, but the old dwarf had never put much stock in the old wives tale of finding his "One." In his mind, if he was meant to find someone, he would have found them long before now.

So, when Dwalin realized his feelings for you, he kept them to himself. He thought there was no possible way that you would ever feel the same. He was a gruff warrior, a dwarf with scars and an attitude, and you were a charming and intelligent hobbit who tried to see only the good in the world. The thought that you could even like him, let alone be his One, was laughable.

Dwalin lifted his eyes up again to find yours already looking at him. Your head was tilted in confusion as you stared. It was unladylike, but you really didn't care. Dwalin's behavior was really confusing you. One minute, he'd be staring and then the next, he went back to ignoring you and you just couldn't figure out why.

Dwalin got up from the table as quickly as he could without drawing attention to himself. Your brows furrowed. That was the last straw. You were going to figure out what was going through his head. You told Bilbo what you were doing and quietly got up and followed after Dwalin. It didn't take you long to find him and when you did, you couldn't stop the rush of emotion.

"Master Dwalin! I do believe you owe me an apology for being so rude!" you chided, jokingly although you were fighting back tears. Dwalin turned to look at you, the confusion evident on his face. "First, you stare at me and narrow your eyes when anyone attempts to come near me. Then, you turn right around and ignore me. That is no way to treat a lady, Master Dwalin!" Your voice was a mixture of sadness and sarcasm.

"Didn't mean nothin' by it, lass," Dwalin muttered, but you heard him anyway. You stood in front of him and gave him a smile. "Apology accepted! Now, why don't you tell me why you are acting so strangely?" Dwalin looked down at you, unsure of what to say. He was a dwarf of few words. He decided to explain the dwarf story of finding the One. Of how rare it was supposed to be. You listened intently, your eyes never leaving his face.

"So, ya see, lass, it's ridiculous. There's no such thin' as findin' the One. And even if there were, there's no way ya would return these feelings I have for ya..." he trailed off as you began to chuckle. "Silly dwarf," you whispered before standing on tiptoe to press a kiss to his lips. His beard tickled your nose, causing you to giggle.

When you parted, you looked into his eyes and asked, "Do you still think it is a silly story? That there is no such thing? For I believe there is, Dwalin. I believe it with all my heart." Dwalin chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed you again. Oh yes, he believed now. He believed that he loved you. He believed in the stories. Dwalin believed that he had found you. Dwalin had found his One.


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