I Almost Lost You (Thranduil x fem!reader)

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Thranduil's face was contorted in anger as he sliced through Tauriel's bow with his sword. The only thing he wanted was to get out of Dale and return to Mirkwood. Enough Elven blood had been spilt and he would not waste any more. When Tauriel and Legolas had turned away, one of Thranduil's guards came up to him and whispered in his ear. Thranduil's eyes widened for a moment and he froze on the spot. This couldn't be happening.

Meanwhile, you were fighting with everything you had. You refused to let evil take over the world. You had to do something, so you ignored Thranduil's request to stay behind in Mirkwood. You followed him and, when the armies of Mirkwood, Erebor and Dale went into battle with the orcs, you were right there with them. You slashed through enemy after enemy, ignoring the pain coursing through you. There was nothing to do but fight. And fight you did.

Finally, the battle ended and you were able to take a breath. Your eyes scanned the area for any sign of life among the corpses. You found some, in the form of your king. Thranduil's eyes lit up the moment he saw you. You were alive. Covered in blood, dirt and sweat, but alive. "Thranduil!" you cried, not caring that you didn't address him properly. You were simply grateful he was alright. You ran and threw yourself into his arms. Your arms wrapped around him in a human gesture of affection. For once, Thranduil didn't care. His own arms circled around you and he held you close from a moment, whisperings prayers of thanks.

You pulled back with a sheepish smile. "My apologies," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. Thranduil looked at you ashen face in confusion. Your skin was paling more and more as the seconds ticked by. That's when he felt it. A warm, sticky feeling on his hands. Thranduil let you go and looked at his hands. They were covered in blood. Yours. He looked back up at you in shock. You gave him a small smile and whispered, "It was worth it."

As soon as the words were out of your mouth, you fell forward. Thranduil reached out to catch you just in time. Thranduil sank to the ground under your weight and held you in his lap. He pushed strands of (h/c) hair from your face. As he gazed at your face, Thranduil experienced something he hadn't in years. He wept. The Elvenking wept openly as he held you in his arms. He'd already lost one love and he wasn't sure he could bear to lose another especially when you didn't know he loved you.

Thranduil carefully cradled your body to him and stood with you in his arms. He carried you down into Dale and into his own tent. He could still feel a faint heartbeat and he was determined to save your life, no matter what. Thranduil took it upon himself to help heal you. He wouldn't let anyone else in the tent unless absolutely necessary. After a few days, you opened your eyes and winced at the bright light of the sun.

"Y/N," Thranduil's dulcet voice caught your attention. You could hear the exhaustion in his tone. "My King," you whispered, your voice rough from not being used. "I almost lost you," he said, coming closer to where you were laying down. "You were incredibly foolish, Y/N. I do not what I would have done if you died." You tried to sit up and nearly screamed in pain. "Please lie still, Melamin." You stopped what you were doing and stared at him. He called you his "love".

"Youlove me, Thranduil?" His icy blue gaze met yours and he nodded once."I do. I thought you were gone and my heart nearly broke. I cannot loseyou, Y/N." You smiled and held out a hand for him to take. "You willnot lose me, Thranduil. Amin mela Ill." He gave your hand a squeeze andused his free hand to brush a strand of hair from your face. "And I loveyou, Y/N." He leaned in and kissed your forehead. "Rest now,Melamin." You smiled and fell asleep again, this time looking atThranduil's smiling face.    

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