Two Dwarves and A Wolf(Dwalin x fem!reader x Ori)

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You smelled them before you heard them. Dwarves. Lots of them. There was also something you'd never smelled before, but it didn't smell dangerous. Then, you smelled something that was indeed dangerous. Wargs and orcs. Letting out a snarl, you shifted into your wolf form and ran toward the scent. You may not have known those dwarves, but no one should have to face a orc pack.

Your paws barely touched the ground as you ran as fast as you could. The closer you got, the stronger the scent. Then, you saw them. 13 dwarves, a tall man, a wizard by the looks of him, and the creature whose scent you didn't know. They were all running and trying to fight the orc pack. You snarled again and leapt between the orcs and the dwarves.

You knocked an orc off his Warg and bit into his throat. You did your best to fight them off, but a loan female wolf is no match for an entire Warg pack. You felt teeth sink into your shoulder and you let out a yelp. You couldn't see it, but you knew it was bleeding. You had to get back to Imladris. Lord Elrond or his healers would be able to help you.

You howled at the dwarves and started running, ignoring the pain in your shoulder. You didn't hear them followed so you glanced back and howled again. "I think it wants us ta follow it," a big burly dwarf with a balding head said and you gave him a deadpanned look. Not that he could see it. Instead you ran ahead, leading the company of dwarves towards Imladris. The wizard caught on quickly to which way you were headed and followed.

You almost howled in victory when you saw the familiar secret entrance to Imladris. Sliding down hurt, but you knew it was the only way. Stifling the yelp, you made it to the edge of the valley. The small company appeared behind you a moment later, all taken back by the beauty of the Elven city. "In the Common Tongue, it is known as another name," the wizard was saying. "Rivendell."

One of the dwarves kicked up a fuss and started carrying on about how elves were not allies and he would not seek refuge with them. You growled at him. "I believe this creature here is rather fond of Rivendell, Thorin," another dwarf said. You turned your head toward the red-haired dwarf. He looked to be one of the youngest of the lot. You took a step toward him and yelped, your injured shoulder finally causing enough pain to stop your movements momentarily.

"It's hurt." You growled as the bald one and the young one came closer. You resented being called "it". "I believe that's a female," the wizard said and you looked up at him happily. "She's a beauty," the young dwarf said. If you had been in your normal form, you would have blushed. "That she is. And she saved us." You shook your head and began limping toward Rivendell. The company reluctantly followed behind.

"Lindir!" the wizard called as you all approached the gates of Rivendell. "Mithrandir," the steward greeted before turning his attention to you. "Y/N, are you alright?" You shook your head again before shifting back into human form. "I'm afraid I was injured, Mellon. An orc pack on Wargs." The gasps from behind you made you smile through the pain. "You're...a woman?"

You laughed lightly. "It is my preferred form, yes. The wolf is fine for fighting and patrolling the borders of Imladris, but this is much nicer. Not to mention, the surprised looks on your faces makes it worth it." Lindir chuckled. "Get to healers and get that looked at." You bowed to him and the company before taking your leave.

That night, Lord Elrond had a feast for his guests and you were invited. You sat at the table with the dwarves. "I don't like green food," the youngest one, Ori, said and you smiled. "I understand. The wolf part of me loves meat. I can eat the greens, but they aren't my favorite. How's this? I'll eat some and you will to." Ori nodded reluctantly. You winked at his older brother who gave you a smile.

You turned back to your food, only to find the bald one, Dwalin was his name, staring at you. His eyes were scanning the visible parts of your body. All the scars. Injuries sustained while you were in your wolf form. "Would you like to hear about them?" you asked him and he flushed. You could tell he was embarrassed to be caught staring. "Yeah, lass. I'd like ta very much." Grinning, you began to tell the tale of each line that decorated your body.

*time skip*

After that night in Rivendell, Thorin asked you to join his company and help them reclaim the mountain. The others all readily agreed, especially Dwalin and Ori, who had taken quite a shine to you. So, you traveled with them, helping wherever possible. As you all journeyed together, you grew closer to Dwalin and Ori. They were both so different, two sides of the same coin almost.

Dwalin was brusque and brash. He was a warrior of impressive skill and, once you got past his hard outer shell, he was compassionate. He spoke the truth and never let anyone walk all over him. Ori was more quiet and reserved, but he had a loyal heart. He was a people observer more than anything else, and you found him staring at you more often than not.

To say you fell in love with both dwarves would be a true statement. They fell in love with you too, although Ori was more vocal about it than Dwalin was. Dwalin showed his love through his actions, protecting you even when you didn't need it. The three of you were as close as close could be. At first, the rest of the company had been wary, but when they saw that the three of you were loyal, true, and in love as you could possibly be, they celebrated with you.

"Y/N?" Ori asked you one evening as you sat up on watch. You were in your wolf form, so you rubbed against him to acknowledge that you were listening. Dwalin came to your other side, one large hand running through your thick (h/c) fur. Had you been a cat, you would have purred. "We have something ta ask ya, lass, but ya need ta change back." They stepped back to give you room to shift. Once you were human again, they both grinned at you. "What is it?"

Dwalin looked at Ori, trusting the young dwarf to put into words what he couldn't. "We've been talking about it, Y/N. You know we love you." You smiled. "Of course. I love you both, as well." Dwalin set a hand on your shoulder. "Don't interrupt the lad," he scolded gently and you giggled. "What I was trying to say was that, we both love you and we were wondering if, when we reclaim the mountain, you would become our wife? Both of us?"

Your brows furrowed. "Can we do that?" you asked, quizzically and Dwalin nodded. "Aye, lass. Female dwarves are rare. So rare that sometimes, two dwarves can marry the same lass." You shook your head. "But I'm not a dwarf." Ori put his hand on your other shoulder. "It doesn't matter. It's the same principle. So...will you?" You couldn't fight your smile or your tears. "Of course I will."    

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