Too Much (Dwalin x reader)

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Dwalin sat down at the bar with a huff. "Back again, Master Dwalin?" you asked, giving him a cheery smile. That smile that made the warrior speechless. The one that made it nearly impossible for him to think. He watched as you moved from table to table and along the bar serving drinks to dwarves and men alike. He wasn't certain what made him first notice you, but since that day you never left his mind for long. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't noticed you right in front of him until you'd said his name for the third time.

"What was that, lass?" You gave him another grin and asked, "What can I get you?" He asked for his usual ale. After you brought it to him, you went to the other end of the bar where another male customer began to flirt shamelessly with you. Dwalin tightened his grasp on his tankard as he watched you smile at the man. He couldn't be sure if you were interested in the man or if you just being polite to keep your job. To keep himself from confronting the young man, Dwalin chugged the rest of the ale and ordered another and then another.

Three hours and several tankards of ale later, Dwalin finally paid his tab and stood shakily. "Are you alright, Master Dwalin?" He swayed on the spot and gave you a toothy grin. You shook your head and laughed at him. This happened at least once a week. Dwalin would get too drunk to stand, let alone walk home by himself. You would have to escort him. "Come on then," you sighed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

The whole walk home, Dwalin would try to have a slurred conversation with you. You would respond accordingly and laugh. "Master Dwalin, I do believe you do this on purpose," you joked with him as you approached his door. "Course I do, lass," he slurred, "Because I love ya." You nearly dropped him as you stumbled forward. Had Dwalin just said that he loved you? Big, burly warrior Dwalin loved you? After a moment, you shook your head thinking it was just the ale talking.

You opened the door for him and lead him inside. "Here you are, Master Dwalin." You set him down in his armchair and gave his cheek a quick peck. Just in case the ale was making his real feelings come out. "I love you too, Dwalin," you whispered before leaving the dwarf in his chair and closing the door behind you.


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