Clueless but Helpful Durins (Fili x fem!reader x Kili)

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(a/n: mentions of periods)

A loud groan caught Fili's attention. He exchanged a glance with his brother and the two went in search of the source. The soon found you in a chair, curled up in a ball. "Ugh!" you moaned out in pain and disgust. "What is it, Y/N?" Kili asked, suddenly on his guard. You glared up at him. "I'm dying that's what!" Kili's eyes widened.

"Dying?! NO, Y/N! You are too young to die!" You rolled your eyes at his cluelessness and groaned again. "I'm not really dying, Kee. It's my monthly. I'm miserable." Kili's face turned red and he whispered, "Oh." Fili laughed before turning his attention back to you. "What can we do?" You stretched your arms out toward him. Fili chuckled again and easily lifted you up in his arms. "To your bed?" You nodded.

Fili carried you to your room, Kili at his heels. Your stomach and back were so stiff and cramping so badly, you could barely move. Kili opened the door to your room and let Fili carry you in. "Anything else?" Fili asked after he laid you down on the bed. "Something sweet?" Kili puckered his lips. "Not what I meant, Kili. I mean food," you laughed. Kili blushed again and nodded. He went to the kitchens to see if he could find something to satisfy your craving.

Fili turned to follow, but you whined. He looked back at you and saw your arms out again. "Cuddles?" You nodded. Fili toed off his boots and crawled into bed next to you. You snuggled close to him and he began rubbing circles on your back. His actions were instantly soothing and you sighed in content. "Why does Fili get the cuddles while I have to fetch your sweets?" Kili's voice came from the doorway.

"Get over here!" you ordered, making Kili grin. He came over to the other side of bed and slid in. He had you a plate covered in sweet snacks. "Thank you." Fili reached over to take a cookie, but you slapped his hand away. "Mine," you said with a playful glare, causing the brothers to chuckle. You finished your snack and curled into Kili. "Thank you, fellas," you whispered as you closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"Ididn't realize a woman's monthly could be so miserable," Kili whispered."Neither did I." You groaned again. "If you two don't stoptalking, I'm going to punch you in the kidneys. I need sleep." The twobrothers chuckled, but did as you asked. Soon, all three of you were asleep.    

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