The Kindness of a Princess (The Company x fem!reader)

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(a/n: This is a Disney inspired fic!)

You never thought you'd end up in a another world and you certainly never believed you would find yourself on such a long adventure with thirteen dwarves, a wizard and a hobbit yet here you were. You loved it. Well most of it. You worried about your companions constantly. They had quickly become like a family to you. They felt the same about you.

When you first arrived in Middle Earth, falling right into poor Dwalin's arms, the Company was wary about having you along. Still, they immediately saw your kindness and caring nature and they melted. They'd never admit it out loud, but you had wormed your way into their hearts more quickly than any of them anticipated. How could you not? You managed to make them forget all the stress at the end of every day and let them sleep as peacefully as possible in the wilderness. You took care of them.

In truth, you kind of felt a little like Snow White and the thought made you giggle sometimes. You'd never tell the Company that though. You certainly didn't want to offend them. In secret, you called them your "babies" and you cared for them. You made sure they ate well and took occasional time to relax. They relished it.

"Y/N?" You were pulled from your thoughts as Ori called your name. You looked up and smiled at him. "Yes, Ori?" He shyly pulled something from behind his back. "I made this for you. It is beginning to get cold. I thought you might like it." You gazed at the carefully knitted scarf and beamed. "Oh, Ori. It's perfect! Thank you!" You leaned in and kissed his cheek. You took the scarf and put it on as Ori's face turned bright red. "Speaking of cold, shouldn't you be wearing a scarf yourself?" He smiled sheepishly and nodded.

You chuckled as he walked away. After making sure your scarf was wrapped tightly around your neck, you turned your attention back to the supper you were making for them, giving Bombur a break for the night. You whistled a little tune while you worked and soon, the entire Company was listening to you as your whistle turned into the words of a happy tune. As you sang and cooked, you couldn't help but smile to yourself. The Company was gathered around you and you felt at home.

You handed everyone a bowl, giving them each a small peck on the cheek before sitting down to eat yourself. "Are ya sure you're not a princess, lass? You certainly carry yourself like one and you are so kind," Bofur asked, making you laugh. "I'm sure, Bofur although my father always said that all women are princesses. Or that they should at least be treated like they are." Balin chuckled. "Your father seems a very wise man, Y/N. He was right. You are a princess in our eyes." You shook your head fondly. "Thank you very much, Balin. Now, finish your supper and then it's off to bed with you all. We still have a long way to go." You smiled as they immediately did what you said.


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