An Afternoon Ride(Kili x reader)

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You loved Kili more than anything. You loved spending time with him. You loved his ridiculous jokes and the pranks he and his brother pulled. You loved his smile and how the corners of his dark eyes crinkled when he was amused. You loved how protective he was of people he cared about. All these things you loved about Kili and yet, you never could tell him. Every time you'd get an opportunity to tell him how you felt, you'd clam up.

"Fee, what am I going to do?" you whined to Fili one morning. The blond prince shrugged. "Not helping." Fili laughed and hugged you. "It'll be okay, Y/N. Just tell him how you feel. I guarantee you that he feels the same." You shook your head. "I can't tell him, Fee. I have tried. Over and over again, I've tried." Fili gave you a sad smile. "I know, but try again." Groaning, you playfully pushed him and got up from your seat. Fili smiled at your retreating form.

A little while later, there was a knock on your door. You opened it to see the princes standing there. "What can I do for you two?" Fili gently nudged Kili forward. "Oh, um...we were wondering if you'd like to join us for our afternoon ride?" Your brows furrowed in confusion, but you nodded anyway. You enjoyed spending time with the brothers.

You followed the boys down to the stables, ready to ride. Then, Fili suddenly cried out in pain. You whipped your head toward him. He was lowering himself down to the ground. "Fili?! Are you alright? What happened?" Fili waved you off with a smile. "It's nothing. Just that old injury from the battle." You frowned. Fili and Thorin had both suffered nearly fatal injuries during the war. "Should we go get Oin?"

Fili shook his head vigorously. "No. I'll be alright. You two should go on ahead. Enjoy the day." You bit your lip. "Are you sure, Fee?" Kili asked and you could almost hear the nervousness in his voice. Fili nodded and gave you both a smile. "I am. Go on." You shrugged and went to the stables with Kili. As soon as you were out of sight, Fili grinned and slowly stood. "Fili, did you just fake an injury to get Y/N and Kili to go on alone?" Thorin's voice came from behind. Fili jumped a little. "Yes?" He wasn't sure how Thorin would react. Thorin smiled. "Good idea."

Riding alone alongside Kili was awkward at first. You couldn't think of anything to say and you felt like you were about to burst. "Y/N?" You jolted back to reality. Kili was looking at you with an expression of concern written all over his features. "Everything alright?" You nodded and attempted a smile.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" he asked, making you blink in confusion. "O-Of course I do, Kee. What brought that on?" Kili shrugged and sighed. "You just seem so...different. Closed off, like you're hiding something. You don't have to hide." You swallowed thickly. If you didn't know better, you'd swear he was reading your mind.

"Yes I do. You would never understand," you whispered. Kili pulled his pony to a stop, encouraging you to do the same. He slid off his horse and you followed suit, curious as to why you were stopping. "Come with me." He offered a hand and you eagerly took it. You tried not to blush at the warm feeling of your hand in his. Kili lead you to a little clearing.

Once there, Kili sat down on the grass. "Sit with me?" You did as he asked and he reached up and pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. "What wouldn't I understand?" You felt your heart pounding in your chest. "You don't know what it's like to love someone who will never love you back." Kili chuckled softly.

"I do though. I've been in love with someone for a very long time. They are sweet and charming. They can hold their own in a fight. They can drink Bofur under the table one night and then turn around and have an intelligent conversation the with Balin the next day. I love them with every fiber of my being." You never knew that heartbreak would hurt so badly. You also had no idea who he could be talking about. You'd zoned out and hadn't realized he was still talking."And they are sitting right here with me." Your jaw dropped open in surprise.

"Me?" Kili nodded. Before you could stop, you launched yourself at him and pressed your lips to his. Kili fell backward in surprise and his arms wrapped around you, pulling you down with him. You giggled. Once the giggles started, you couldn't stop and you had to break the kiss since you were laughing so hard. Kili's chuckles joined yours. You laid down next to him and put your head on his chest.

"So, I take it I was the one you are in love with?" You rolled your eyes."No, Kili. I kissed you for the fun of it." Even without looking, you could see the pout on his face. You picked your head up and placed another kiss to his lips. "Of course I love you, Kee." He smiled and cupped your cheek with his hand. "And I you, Amrâlimê."�

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