Asleep Pt. 1 (Thranduil x fem!reader) Sleeping Beauty AU

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Prince Thranduil had long since drowned out his father's constant carping about getting married. Thranduil was betrothed. He knew it, but he didn't like it. After all, he'd never even met the princess. Not really anyway. She had been taken into hiding when she was only a baby to protect her from an evil witch's curse. Still, as the princess' birthday approached, Thranduil's father was once again pressuring him to put away his boyish fantasies of finding someone he truly cared for.

That was the problem. Thranduil didn't really care for anyone outside of his own people. Certainly not the princess he was supposed to be marrying out of duty rather than love. He'd tried so many times to get his father to break off the betrothal, but deep down he knew it would never happen. So, instead, he insisted on defying his father at every turn in other ways. Sure it was childish, but if he hadn't, Thranduil never would have met you.

Thranduil was out on his horse when he heard singing. It was a lovely little tune. He stopped and dismounted. He followed the voice to a clearing where he saw the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. She continued picking berries and singing to herself, unaware of the eyes that watched her.

Your POV

You let the melody drift from your lips without a care in the world. This was the one place you could be free. You loved your aunts dearly, but they stifled you. They never allowed you to venture far from your home. Instead, you escaped in your dreams and in song, like you were doing now. As you sang, you imagined a handsome prince taking you in his arms and dancing the night away with you. You swayed to the beat of the song in your head. But then, you heard a twig snap behind you.

You whirled around and saw someone watching you. You opened your mouth to scream. The man panicked and entered the clearing with his hands up in a gesture of peace. "Wait, please. I mean you no harm." You eyed him warily. "What is your name?" You didn't answer. You knew you should run, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You'd never really met anyone else before. Especially not anyone this handsome.

He had long locks of platinum colored hair and piercing blue eyes that froze you in place. His voice, the little you'd heard of it, was pleasing to the ear. He was tall, especially compared to you and you could see he was fit. "Are you alright, miss? Are you safe here?" You finally found courage to answer him. "Rose," you whispered. His brows furrowed and you giggled. "My name. It's Rose." That's what your aunts called you anyway, though you never thought the name suited you.

The man bowed slightly. "My lady." You laughed again. "I'm not a lady. What are you doing out in these woods?" The man arched a brow slightly. "Should I not be?" You felt yourself flush and you answered him in a rushed tone, "Oh no, it's alright! It's just one ever comes this way. You're the first person I've met in a while." He smiled at you.

"Then perhaps we can keep each other company for a while? I have no desire to return home anytime soon." You nodded eagerly. You were looking forward to talking to someone besides your aunts. "I'd love that."

The two of you sat and talked for hours, until the sun began to set. You lost all track of time sitting there with him. It wasn't until you heard a faint calling of your name that you realized you were late for dinner. "Oh! I have to go!" You shot up and grabbed up your basket of berries. "Wait, where are you going?!" You bit your lip. "I have to go. My aunts will be wondering where I am."

"Can I see you again? Tomorrow?" You beamed and nodded. "I'd love that. Goodbye!" you called as you ran back toward your home. You glanced over your shoulder to find your mystery man staring at you. You smiled to yourself at the thought of seeing him again.

You entered the house to find your aunts standing in front of a cake and a beautiful dress. "Happy Birthday, Rose!" You felt tears prick your eyes. Everything was finally coming together. You were old enough to leave home and have the adventure you'd always wanted. And then there was your mystery man. You weren't sure what would come of it, if anything, but you were eager to find out.

"Where are you, Rose? You look a thousand miles away." You hugged your aunt. "Oh I am. I met someone today." All three women looked shocked. "Someone? What someone?" You played with the hem of your apron. "I-I didn't get his name. But there's something between us. He's coming here tomorrow."

Your aunts shared a glance. You could tell by their faces that they weren't exactly happy with your news. "What?" The all looked guiltily at you. "You won't be here tomorrow." Your eyes widened. "What do you mean? Where will I be?" One of them took your hand and pulled you toward a chair. "You better sit down, dear."

Thranduil's POV

Thranduil's steps felt much lighter as he mounted the steps outside the castle. It was the first time since traveling from his kingdom to King (F/N)'s castle that Thranduil actually felt happy. For once he didn't feel the pressure of his looming betrothal. His mind was too busy thinking about you. He didn't know what it was, but he felt something tugging at his belly whenever he thought of you. And it made him smile.

"There you are, Thranduil! I've been looking everywhere for you. There's still so much to do before the princess returns tomorrow." Thranduil stifled a groan. "Father-" Oropher cut him off saying, "I don't want to hear another word about it, my son. The princes is returning tomorrow and then the two of you will be married and I will hear no more argument on the matter!"

Thranduil felt his blood boiling. His father was refusing to listen to him. "Father, I don't want to marry her. I want to marry for love." Oropher arched a brow. "Love? Son, I can appreciate that, but you'd be hard pressed to find someone who truly loves you and not your crown." Thranduil licked his lips and wondered if he should tell his father about you.

"But Father...I've already met the woman I'm going to marry." Oropher's face split into a grin. "You met Princess Y/N? Where? When?" Thranduil shook his head. "It wasn't the princess, Father. I'm not sure exactly who she was. A peasant girl called Rose." Oropher stared at Thranduil in disbelief. "A p-peasant girl? Absolutely not, Thranduil!" Without waiting for a reply, he scurried off. Thranduil didn't care. He couldn't marry the princess. Not now. Not when he saw a potential future with you.

(a/n: Part 2 is coming soon...ish. I'm still trying to catch up on requests here.)

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