Wrong Order (Legolas x fem!reader) Coffee shop/Modern AU

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You loved your job. Sure, being a barista wasn't glamorous, but you worked for a little, one-of-a-kind coffee shop that took great care of their products and customers. No faceless corporations for you. You really enjoyed what you did. You loved bringing a smile to someone's face when they tasted the drink you so carefully made for them or the delicious, freshly-baked pastry. To make it even better, you were good at what you did. You never spilled an order or got one wrong...until you did both. In the same day.

The coffee shop was busy. Busier than usual for a Wednesday afternoon. You lost track of how many customers you had served since you clocked in that morning. You were cleaning up one of the machines when the bell above the door jingled signaling another customer. "Good afternoon," you greeted as you turned around. You froze in place. He was gorgeous. He had silken blond locks and you wondered if they felt as soft as they looked. He gazed at you with piercing blue eyes as he gave you his order. With a smile, you assured him it would only be a few moments.

"Oh my god, Y/N! He's gorgeous," your co-worker gushed. You rolled your eyes but kept on smiling. "Seriously, I'm jealous that you're the one working out there today. He's ridiculously hot." You continued making the man's order and shook your head. "Yeah...he is. Still, he's only here for his drink." Your co-worker scoffed, drawing your attention away from what you were doing. Your conversation continued while you finished the drink, but you weren't really paying attention. Your eyes kept darting back to the customer, who was waiting patiently and letting his eyes take in everything around him.

When the drink was finished, you turned to head back to the counter. "You should ask Hot Guy out," you friend whispered and you fought the urge to flip her off. You set the drink down in front of the customer. He gave you a kind smile. "I'm sorry, but this isn't the coffee I ordered." Your brow furrowed. You'd gotten it wrong? You looked at the order ticket and then at the drink you'd made. Sure enough, it was wrong.

"I'm so sorry. I'll fix this right away. On the house." You reached out to grab the cup. Unfortunately, you miscalculated and ended up hitting the cup instead of grabbing it. It instantly toppled over and soaked the front of "Hot Guy's" shirt. You were mortified. "Oh my gosh, I am so, so sorry!" You glanced up at his face. You expected to see anger, possibly even rage. Instead, you saw amusement.

"It's alright. I can see how frazzled you are." You huffed. You weren't frazzled and told him as much. "It's not my fault you're such a distraction," you snapped. As soon as the words were out of your mouth, you snapped it shut. You couldn't believe you'd just said that to him. He was a customer and a stranger. You could lose your job. You briefly glanced over at your co-worker who was staring at you, dumbfounded. It wasn't like you to be so blunt.

Your attention was drawn back to the customer when you heard light laughter. Your brows furrowed as you looked at him. His laughter grew. Luckily, most of the other customers had left already so it didn't draw too much attention. Of course, you didn't take kindly to being laughed at, so you scoffed. You crossed your arms over your chest and arched a brow at him. When his laughter died down, his blue eyes met your (e/c) ones. "You done?"

"My apologies," he paused to look at your nametag, "Y/N. I didn't mean to offend you in any way. I find you and your frankness refreshing, actually. And, it wasn't like you spilled my drink. The order was actually coffee for my friend. I've told him a thousand times he needed to lay off the caffeine. This is just proof that I was right." He indicated outside to where a shorter, redheaded man was standing. He looked rather grumpy and impatient.

"I'm really sorry. For everything. I swear this never happens." He waved off your apology. "It's nothing. I think Gimli will survive without his coffee for one morning. We're already late." You frowned as he turned to walk away. He glanced back over his shoulder and smiled at you. "And Y/N?" You cocked your head to the side. "I look forward to seeing you again." He turned to leave again. "Wait! What's your name?" He chuckled. "Legolas. Legolas Greenleaf."

You smiled to yourself at the memory. That had been so long ago it seemed. Legolas came back to the little coffee shop every day after that for weeks. After a couple months, you finally got up the nerve to ask him out on a date. To your surprise, he agreed readily. He even offered to cook for you both. The night of the date, you were so nervous, you almost spilled your wine all over yourself. You didn't need to. It seemed Legolas was nervous too and he ended up knocking over your drink, spilling the red liquid all over your carefully planned outfit. "Guess I had that coming," you joked. That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

"What are you thinking about,love?" Legolas asked, his hand tracing circles on your hip over your pajama bottoms. You were laying in bed first thing in the morning. "I was thinking about how we met. When I spilled what was supposed to be Gimli's coffee on you." Legolas beamed. "I remember that day. Gimli wasn't too happy that he never got his coffee." You chuckled. "I know, but still, it wasn't all bad. I got to talk to you. It lead to this," you replied, gesturing between you both. Legolas leaned over and placed a gentle kiss to your lips. "Yes it did," he whispered, his hand moving to grab yours so his fingers could fiddle with the ring perched on your left hand. 

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