Fatherly Love (Thranduil x adopted daughter!reader)

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Thranduil's perfect brows furrowed when he heard you cough. There were times when he forgot you were human and could get physically ill. He gently knocked on the door to your chambers. "Come in." Your voice was weak and it made Thranduil worry. You hadn't been seriously ill since he'd taken you in as his own. "What troubles you, Iellig?" he asked you.

You were propped up against the headboard of the bed. Your nose and eyes were red and your skin looked flushed. " I am ill, Ada," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. Thranduil approached your bed and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You were burning up. "I shall send for the healers. I am afraid I must meet with Lord Elrond today, but I will have Legolas look in on you later. Rest now." You nodded weakly before closing your eyes to sleep some more.

As Thranduil left the room and sent for his healers, he thought about just how short your lifespan truly was. He would out live his own daughter by hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of years. "King Thranduil? What troubles you, mellon?" Elrond's voice interrupted Thranduil's thoughts. Thranduil glanced at the lord and, with a sad smile, informed Elrond of your illness. "I am certain your daughter will be well again in no time. The race of Man has the ability to fight off many illnesses."

Several minutes later, the healers came in. "Y/N shall recover, my king. She is simply in need of rest. Apparently it is common for humans to become ill with fevers." Thranduil nodded before turning his attention back his meeting with Elrond, thoughts of your well-being lingering in the back of his mind. Periodically, Elrond, as if reading Thranduil's mind, would assure him that you were going to be just fine. You were still very young and your body simply needed to fight off the illness.

When the meeting was over, the doors opened yet again and Legolas entered the room. "Ada, Y/N grows bored. She wishes to see you." Thranduil and Elrond both chuckled and followed Legolas to your chambers. They opened the door to find you sitting up and pouting. As soon as you saw Thranduil, you smiled. "Ada! The healers won't let me leave my room. I am bored. Tell them I can leave, please!" Thranduil shook his head fondly. "I cannot, Iellig. You must rest so you will be well again."

You crossed your arms over your chest defiantly. Even as young as you were, you didn't like being told no. Perhaps it was because the only person to ever tell you no was Thranduil. He arched his brow at you. "Y/N," he said in a warning tone. You sighed just before sneezing loudly. "But, Ada. I cannot stay in here all the time!" you exclaimed. Elrond chuckled. "Tell me a story, Ada?"

For the rest of the day, Thranduil, Legolas and Elrond stayed in your room, telling you story after story. They even took meals with you, just to keep you from getting bored. Legolas left first, Elrond shortly after that, leaving you alone with Thranduil. "Thank you, Ada," you whispered as your eyes began drifting close. Thranduil smiled and kissed your forehead again. Your skin didn't feel quite as fevered as before.

Thranduil opened his mouth to respond, but you were already asleep. He smiled and shifted you so you were laying down on the bed. "Sleep well, Y/N," he said quietly before leaving the room. The next morning, Thranduil heard a commotion outside the dining hall. Suddenly, the door burst open and you came in, running from the healers. "Ada!" you cried, throwing yourself at Thranduil. "I see you are feeling more like yourself." You smiled at him.

You looked much better already and you even had your appetite back. Thranduil waved to the healers, indicating that you were fine. Inside, Thranduil was thankful you were feeling better. After all, you were his little girl and he hated seeing his little girl distressed. You snuggled further into him from your seat on his lap. "Thank you for telling me stories yesterday, Ada." Thranduil stroked your hair and smiled. It was this sight that Elrond opened the doors to and he smiled. It reminded him of his own daughter and how lucky he was to have her, just as Thranduil was to have you.

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