176 : Leaving the Phoenix Valley (Unedited)

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After a busy life, Murong has already harvested a lot of herbs. Of course, she did not search all the herbs, but each herb left a part. I believe that soon after, this will soon become dense again.

Wiping the sweat of the forehead, Murong smiled and approached the imperial concubine. Today, her harvest is not small, so the mood is naturally very good.

Looking at the face of Murong, who was walking to the front of him, Huangfu's mouth smirked and smiled. Then he added a piece of hand to his hand and began to carefully rub his face with Murong.

This intimate move made Murong's cheeks red. The movement of Huangfu's hand is very gentle. It is like treating a rare treasure. She can see the gentleness and seriousness from the face of Huangfu. In the eyes of Huangfu, she saw her reflection.

Warm moments are always used to be broken.

"Master, master, have you got it?" Xiaobai rushed back to Murong's face, "If we get it, we will go back."

Behind Xiaobai, he followed a white group and a red group. It was a gimmick and a red. Obviously, now all three beasts are already full. However, obviously, they don't know what they have done wrong.

Suddenly heard the voice of Xiaobai, Murong squinted and immediately woke up. She slammed the hand of Huangfu, and her face returned to normal. She could not see that she was still shy.

Huang Yan's cold eyes suddenly fell on Xiao Bai's body.

It's rare that Yan's face will show such a shy look today. He hasn't enjoyed enough, and he was interrupted by the little beast in front of him. If it is not because this is Yan's contract beast, he will certainly not be light.

Seeing the cold eyes of Huangfu, Xiaobai couldn't help but fight a cold war. It doesn't know what it is doing wrong, how can it suddenly attract the attention of Huangfu. It feels really innocent!

"Hey!" Murong looked at the emperor and smiled and shook his head.

After that, Huangfu recovered his cold eyes.

Murong retired and took Xiaobai and Xiaohong back into the space. Xiaohong wants to go back to the space, but Xiaobai is scared. He urgently needs to go back to the place where there is no imperial concubine, and calm down his emotions.

Not long after, Murong retired and Huangfu returned to where they had rested before.

When I saw Murong's appearance, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Before Murong's face was just a simple sentence, he left and did not explain anything. Later, I didn't come back for a long time. Everyone was wondering if something was going on. However, I think that there will be nothing in the strength of Huangfu and Murong. However, when you really saw the two coming back, everyone really breathed a sigh of relief.

"Murong Sister, where did you go?" The first thing that came to the front was the butterfly dress. Her face was full of worry.

"Dinger sister does not have to worry, I am not coming back well?" Murong said with a smile. "And, this time I have a big harvest!"

After hearing the words of Murong, the butterfly clothes are a bit confused.

Murong squinned and did not say anything to the butterfly, but went to Li Wei, and then handed it to Li Yu, a jade box. "He, Li, I think, you should need this thing."

Seeing the jade box in the hands of Murong, for a time, Li Wei was a little confused, but he took over Murong and handed it over to the box and opened it. After seeing the things inside, his eyes were big and a pair. Shocked, "Murong girl, this is-"

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