332 : Message (Unedited)

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Beiying Chenfeng quickly got up, picking up his hand and saying, "You are Miss Lingxin! I am very happy to meet you, I am Beiying Chenfeng."

His first impression of the water spirit is really good.

Perhaps it was because I had heard from Murong that I had mentioned the Beiying Chenfeng many times before! Coupled with the first look of the North Shadow Chen Feng, I feel that the other side is also handsome and handsome, so the watery heart of the cheek can not help but red.

However, Rao is like this. After she nodded to the north shadow Chen Feng, she smiled and said, "North Shadow Boy, hello."

Looking at the interaction between Shui Lingxin and Beiying Chenfeng, Shui Haotian’s heart is very satisfied. After he nodded in secret, he looked at the water and said, “Mind, Chen Feng is here to find Emperor Gongzi and Murong girl, you will take him now!"

"That North Shadow son, please go with me!" After the water spirit smiled at the north shadow Chen Feng, he said, "Now the emperor and the face are in my yard. If they know that you are coming." That will be very happy."

"There is a spirited girl." Beiying Chen Feng beheaded, thank you.

The water spirit took the North Shadow Chen Feng and walked in the direction of the yard.

Probably because I am not familiar with it! So no one spoke first on the way. However, even then, the atmosphere between the two is very relaxed, and it will not be embarrassing at all.

Beiying Chenfeng is the first time to see this fiancée. He has always known that he and the Miss Waterhouse have a marriage contract. However, he did not particularly care about this marriage. Otherwise, he would not have thought about seeing his fiancée for so many years.

However, today, when I saw the spirit of water, his heart could not help but feel that it was a very good thing if it was really a woman in front of her.

Shui Lingxin’s impression of Beiying Chenfeng is also very good. Before, she knew from Murong's mouth that Beiying Chenfeng was a very good man. However, such a narrative has not really seen the truth.

The two walked away and the atmosphere was very good. However, when I came to the door of the yard and saw the figure in the hustle and bustle, the mood of the water heart suddenly became worse.

This is not the other person at the door, it is the water Lingshan.

It seems that I remembered that Nanfeng Ruolan was trying to **** this marriage from Shui Lingshan, so I would send someone to kill her. Suddenly, the mood of the water spirit became very bad.

"Ling Shan, what are you doing here?" Although I don't like Shui Lingshan, I still have to go on the face, so the water spirit is still greeted by the opening. "You are here and are going to do, what are you going to do?" ?"

Before, she had not noticed the mind of Shui Lingshan. However, after seeing the face, and seeing the behavior of Shui Lingshan since the day, she can probably guess that Shui Lingshan is a fancy. It is also for this reason, so she told people that she must not let Shui Lingshan enter her yard.

What kind of person is this imperial concubine, she does not know, but she is absolutely impossible to offend Huangfu and Murong for the sake of Shui Lingshan.

"Sister." Suddenly heard the voice of the water, Shui Lingshan was shocked. She turned her head and saw the water spirit with a man and came over. "This is -"

I have to say that this man who is next to Shui Lingxin is really a handsome young talent. Although he is still a lot worse than Huangfu, it is already a leader in the younger generation. . If it is not because there is already a Huangfu in my heart, maybe she will look at this man.

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