302 : Song Liyi's End (Unedited)

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When this statement came out, everyone who felt that the imperial concubine method was cruel was immediately focused on Song Huili. Everyone has a strong dissatisfaction in their eyes, especially thinking about the behavior of Song Liyi. If it wasn't for the black man who prevented Song Liyi from exploding in time, then maybe they would all be implicated!

Noticing the other people's eyes, Song Huili's face is even worse. He pointed to Chen Shanghua and said that he would argue for himself. "Chen Shanghua, you should not transfer the topic here. Just Song Liyi's behavior is her own decision. What is the relationship with our Song family?"

Many people are already very dissatisfied because of Song Liyi's behavior. If you don't solve this problem now, you will only bring these dissatisfaction to the Song family. That is definitely not a good thing for the reputation of the Song family.

However, as everyone knows, the people are not convinced. Even many people feel that the practice of Song Huili's relationship with Song Liyi at this time is really chilling.

After hearing Song Huili's words, Chen Shanghua sneered and said, "Since the Song Liyi's behavior has nothing to do with you, then the emperor's son does not need to manage too much, isn't it?"

For Song Huili, Chen Shanghua is really completely despised. In his view, Song Huili is an out-and-out hypocrite. Song Huili's concern is not the life and death of Song Liyi, but the face of the Song family.

Chen Shanghua's words made Song Huili not know how to refute it. His heart is full of dissatisfaction with the practice of the Song family at the moment. However, if he insists on what to do at this time, then Chen Shanghua, the old man, will blame Song Liyi's self-destructive behavior on the Song family. At that time, I was afraid that I would be dissatisfied with other people present.

The quarrel under the stage has no meaning for the people on the stage. Huangfu was just indifferent and looked at Song Liyi by the wind knife and was completely unrecognizable.

Before Song Liyi repeatedly murdered Murong's face, he had no way to tolerate it. If it is not because Murong wants to solve it himself, he will not allow Song Liyi to continue to linger for so long. However, just the self-destructive behavior of Song Liyi has made him unable to continue to endure.

Murong pours and stands on the sidelines, and there is nothing to stop the emperor. Even if she saw the miserable appearance of Song Liyi, her face was still calm, just like nothing happened.

But it was a quarter of an hour, but for Song Liyi, it was like a hundred years. She couldn't do anything. She could only watch the wind knives take her flesh and pieces away and feel the biting pain, but there is no way to ease it.

Finally, the wind knife stopped, but Song Liyi still did not die, she could clearly feel the pain in her body. At this moment, she even felt that if she could die immediately, it might be a blessing for her!

Now she can't think of Song Lin's hatred, and can't remember the determination to get rid of Murong's face. The only thing she wants to do now is to let the pain disappear.

"Yan, what are you going to do next?" Huangfu looked at the person in his arms and asked, "She has done so many things, what kind of price do you want her to pay?"

The reason why Huangfu stopped at this time was not because of sympathy, but because of Murong's face. Song Liyi has repeatedly designed and murdered Murong, and the culprit should let Murong decide how to deal with it.

"Her?" Looking at the miserable appearance of Song Liyi, Murong suddenly lost interest.

At this time, Song Liyi had no way to see the original appearance. There was hardly a good place on the body. Many places even showed the white bones of the forest. It looked particularly terrifying. However, even if this is the case, I can still feel the anger of Song Liyi's body at the moment. This is enough to show that she is still alive, but she is living very painfully.

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