186 : Battles against Bai Hao (Unedited)

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"No." Murong tilted his head and shook his head gently. "I am just curious about the purpose of this day. I don't know what kind of thought she has for me. However, it should not be a good idea. So I I think this is a good opportunity to test."

Huangfu stepped forward and directly put Murong into his arms, and the low voice sounded, "As long as you are happy."

Hearing the low voice coming from his ear, Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and gave a sweet smile. At the same time, he also had a trace of sorry. "Oh, sorry, although you are by my side during this time, there is no way." Engraved with you."

For Huangfu, Murong's heart is apologetic. Since the relationship between the two has been determined, the two have been gathered together. Now the two have a good time to reunite, but she is busy with the college competition. Although Huangfu has always been with her, but sometimes she will ignore Huangfu.

"For me, you never have to say sorry for these three words." The deep voice with a little bit of affection, "You just have to do what you want to do. As for the others, there is me."

Have me.

The simple two words, but let the feelings of Murong's face can not help but feel a warmth. She is very clear that, in this relationship, Huangfu has paid more than her. However, this does not mean that in her heart, Huangfu is not important. It is because Huangfu is important that she wants to make herself stronger. Only such a woman is worthy of the imperial concubine.

Murong pours nothing and says nothing, just quietly snuggling in the arms of Huangfu.

The atmosphere in the room seemed intimate and embarrassing, but people could not help but indulge in it.

The test was on schedule, and the morning of the next day, Murong and Yan Huang came to the square. Today, her trials are still relatively early, so it is better to be early.

Murong was still sitting in the previous position, and she had not sat down yet. She saw Long Lizhen.

When she saw Murong's face, Long Lizhen seemed to be very excited. She directly greeted her. "Looking at you, today you have to fight with the false monk of Bailu. How do you feel now?" I think you will definitely win."

Murong squinted at the corner of his mouth and evoked a calm smile. "Want to know the results, do you want to know if you can't see it? Also, you don't have to be so excited! If you don't know, you think you have to play." !"

"You don't know, this is much more nervous than my own playing!" Long Lizhen really can't keep calm. "Hey, this little man, white, will only be pitiful, sacred, let Others helped her out. Now I really want to fight on the ring. I really want to take a good look at what she has."

"Well, you don't want to guess here." Murong smiled and said, "Wait, don't you know?"

After hearing the words of Murong, Long Lizhen did not continue to say anything.

The test started very quickly. Compared with the previous day's test, today's test is more worth seeing. After all, the people who have been selected after two trials are very good.

The people below are all gusto, and there are still a few cheers.

Murong sat down and watched the scene on the field quietly, and did not express any opinions. The whole person looked very quiet. However, even so, she can still feel that it is not the search for the eyes that fall on him. Don't look at it, she knows who the owner of the eye is, and it is the opponent who is about to confront her - Bai Hao.

Although Bai Hao is also looking at the test on the field, but only her own heart is clear, at this time her mind is simply not on the stage. Most of her thoughts are on the face of Murong who is about to become her opponent.

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