285: Who is the Traitor (Unedited)

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Suddenly, everyone's eyes looked in the direction of Murong's face. When they saw the so-called traitor, everyone's eyes were full of incredulity.

When I knew that there was a traitor in Chen's family, everyone's hearts had their own guesses, but no one would associate the traitor with such a person.

Because, Murong is not referring to other people, it is the youngest child of the Chen family, that is, Chen Wenxin from the three rooms.

At this time, Chen Wenxin, who was pointed by Murong, was even more stunned, as if she did not know what happened.

"Looking at the face, is there any misunderstanding?" Seeing Murong's reluctance to testify that Chen Wenxin is a traitor, even Chen Shanghua feels that such a thing seems a bit ridiculous. "Wen Xin is just a child, you say her. Is it a traitor, how is this possible?"

"My grandfather, since I dare to say this, it is natural to have my basis." Murong squinted at the corner of his mouth and evoked a meaningful smile. "And even if you are young, you may not be a traitor." Because she is too young, it is even more difficult to get suspicion from others."

"Looking at the face, some words can not be casually said." Chen Ruizhong stood up, he was honest and honest on weekdays, this time is a look of anger, "Wen Xin she is just a child, simply do not understand anything. What can she do? You don't want to squirt blood here."

"Yes, I am so young, she is still so small. You say her like this. How do you let her see people later?" Zhao Yaer couldn't help but open her mouth. "And, when it's weekdays, Wen Xin is like this. Like you, you can't marry her like this."

Although Chen Wenxin only took out, Chen Wenxin's biological mother died after giving birth to a child, so this child is her big. She has only two sons and no daughters. She has now treated Chen Wenxin as her own daughter. Now, in the face of such a serious accusation that Murong is swaying, how can she not accept it as a mother?

"Three sisters, three aunts, you don't have to worry like this." Murong tilted his head gently and shook his head. "I dare to prove that Chen Wenxin is a traitor. Naturally, there is a basis."

After hearing the words of Murong, Chen Ruizhong and Zhao Yaer still wanted to say something, but they were stopped by Chen Shanghua.

"The third child, as well as the third-year-old daughter-in-law, don't open your mouth." Chen Shanghua said, "This matter is handed over to the face! I want to believe that she has her own judgment."

Chen Shanghua has already spoken, and Chen Ruizhong and Zhao Yaer are not good at anything.

Murong looked at Chen Wenxin and smirked at the corner of his mouth. "Wen Xin cousin, you have nothing to say?"

"Dining cousin, I don't know what you are talking about." Chen Wenxin looked at her face and looked at Murong with sorrow. The eyes were full of innocence and innocence. "I have never done anything. I am not a traitor."

For Chen Wenxin's denial, Murong had no accidents. She looked up and looked around at everyone in the hall. The corner of her mouth smirked and said, "When yesterday, Wenxin cousin and Wenrui cousin were at There was a conflict in the garden, which happened to be met by me. Later, in order to avoid the trouble, I took both of them to the habitat, but on the night after they left, I found the tea in the room. Has been poisoned."

"What?" After hearing the words of Murong, Chen Shanghua was shocked. He quickly looked at Murong and asked with concern. "Is there anything you have to say?"

Others, after hearing the words of Murong, have moved their eyes between Chen Wenrui and Chen Wenxin. They are not fools, and naturally they understand the words of Murong. That means that the poison was taken after Chen Wenrui and Chen Wenxin came, so the suspicions of these two people are the biggest.

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