271 : Detecting News(Unedited)

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It is very uncomfortable to see Long Liyu's seemingly deep suspicion to the Song family. However, she can also understand why Long Liyu still has such an idea. This time, the Song family has done a bit too much.

"Well, you are so motivated, I am very happy." Song Huiyi nodded. "Now we can't do anything, we can only wait and see what has changed. However, I don't know why, I am always worried, afraid of things. What happened?"

"Yeah." Long Liyu nodded. "If there is any change, I am afraid that the accident will come out in Murong's face. Before my grandfather woke up, I once looked for Murong to pour it once. I don't know what they talked about at the time."

When thinking about the previous things, Long Liyu was a little annoyed. Originally, she wanted to approach Murong to see her face, and then see if she could find out some things, perhaps what she was trying to detect, but Murong's face was not given to her.

"This Murong is really a problem." Song Huiyi also frowned. "If she did not come out suddenly, it would not let the plan fail. However, now is not a good time to teach her, until this matter is over, I won't let her go."

For Murong to face, she hates to gnash her teeth. But now the timing is wrong, or else, she will not let Murong pour this yellow hair **** is better.

"Mother, we -"

Just when Long Liyu was still planning to say something, the door of the room was suddenly opened and she stopped immediately.

When I saw someone coming, Song Huiyi and Long Liyu's heart couldn't help but pause. Because it is not someone else who comes in, it is the dragon. They are not sure if the words they have just heard are heard by Long Liuqi.

"What happened to you two?" Seeing the appearance of the mother and the daughter, Long Liuqi raised his eyebrows. "What are you doing here during the day, what are you doing with the door closed? People."

Seeing that there was no change in the attitude of Long Liuqi's face, Song Huiyi and Long Liyu were relieved. Look at this look, Long Liuqi does not seem to hear anything, then they can rest assured.

Long Liyu stepped forward and directly took Longliuqi's arm and said with a smile. "Father, I am talking about whispering with the mother! Our whisper, don't want others to hear it! So Let people go out first."

"You mother and daughter are still whispering." Long Liuqi sat down and said with a smile. "What kind of whispering? Please tell me."

"Father, I have already said that it is a whisper, where can I say it to you!" Long Liyu smiled and said, "This is the secret of our mother and daughter!"

"There is still a secret between you." Long Liuqi shook his head with a funny smile. "Then I have to know more, is it telling me bad things! So I can't let me hear."

"What are you talking about?" Long Liyu said with a flat mouth and said, "How can we say bad things about you?"

"We are just talking about some of the things of our daughter's family." Song Huiyi got up and poured a cup of tea for Longliuqi. He curiously asked, "How come you come back so early today?"

"Oh, it's not the father." Speaking of this matter, Long Liuqi's face became not very good. "He must now thoroughly investigate the person who was poisoned by him. Not only me, but also the big brother and the second brother." For the time being, all the things in the handle were put down."

"I want to say, this thing, isn't it obvious that Li Yun did it?" Song Huiyi looked like an inadvertent opening. "Isn't it already been acquired? Is there anything else to check?"

"I think so too, but my father thinks this way." Longliuqi brows tightly. "And, today, my father has ordered the release of Li Yun, let Li Yun's own yard to ban. ""

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