335 : Shui Lingshan's Marriage (Unedited)

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"But if the willpower is too strong, or the person who is too high, there is a good chance that there will be no way to put it out." Murong leaned and said, "So, I can only say that I try my best. There is no guarantee that it will succeed."

After hearing Murong’s words, the water spirit was very pleasant. She hurriedly said, “That’s enough, I’m going to show you this time, you must help me, only you can help me.”

"Well, then you find a time, then I am going with you." Murong nodded and said, "I will try my best when I get there."

"Can't you go now?" Shui Lingxin was very anxious to say, "I can take you in the past, or, what do you need to prepare? You said, I will prepare for you right away."

"You shouldn't be too anxious first," Murong said, pulling the hand of the watery mind and opening his mouth. "I just said that I have already told you before? The more determined the willpower, the chance of success." The lower, so, before I go to hypnosis, you'd better destroy their willpower first. As for what to do, I think, you should have your own."

"Destroy their willpower?" The watery eyes flashed a little thoughtfully, then she nodded and said, "Well, I will know what to do. Wait a while, I will Take you past."

Although they can't open the mouths of these people, if there is really only to destroy the willpower of these people, she still has a way to do it. Anyway, I have been waiting for this for many years, and I will wait for a few more days.

"Well, my heart, I know your mother's things, it is very important to you, but you have to know that there are many other more important things in your life!" Murong peeped his eyes Turned, smiled and said, "This time, Beiying Chenfeng is not coming to the water home? You have to take advantage of this good opportunity, and cultivate your feelings with him!"

"Looking at the face, what are you talking about?" Hearing the temptation of Murong's face, the watery heart's cheeks were still very disappointingly red. She couldn't help but squint at Murong and bowed her eyes. "We are not angry." But nothing is there."

"Because there is nothing, so I have to create something!" Murong smiled and smiled. He continued to speak. "I see that there is something between you and you are interested in it. You will develop your feelings well. Feelings, that is close to your marriage."

Looking at Murong’s face, the more outrageous the situation is, the water spirit can’t sit still. She just got up and said, “Looking at it, I suddenly remembered that I still have a very important thing to do, I Don't bother you and the emperor. You two are so sweet here!"

After that, the water spirit left without returning. Her footsteps are fast, as if something terrible is chasing her behind her.

Looking at the water spirit is almost like a wilderness, Murong can not help but laugh out loud, she looked at the emperor beside him, and said with a funny voice, "Hey, you said this spiritual face is so Thin! It’s really fun.”

The emperor reached out and squeezed the cheek of the face, and said, "Who do you think your face is as thick as yours?"

Reaching out and knocking down the hand of the emperor who was playing with his cheek, Murong glanced at him. "Hey, what do you mean? You mean my face is thick?"

Murong pours himself into a very fierce contempt. In the eyes of Huangfu, he is full of infinite amount of style. He reaches out and pats the head of Murong’s face and opens his mouth. “You are not thick. You are just a lot better than her courage."

Murong pouted and licked his mouth and said, "In fact, in the face of love, it should be bold, isn't it? If you are in the face of love, you will be able to lose yourself." Happiness."

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