219 : Meet (Unedited)

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Perhaps because I knew about Chen Ruoshui, I was not in a good mood. In the next few days, Murong did not leave her room.

Huangfu is naturally accompanied by Murong, and does not leave home. He can see that Murong's mood is not good, so in these few days, he just quietly stayed with Murong's face.

However, Murong wants to stay quietly, but some people do not want her to be so quiet.

Perhaps because of the reasons that Chen Haozhang and Chen's people said, the family of Chen's family actually sent people to say that they wanted to see the two brothers Rong Rong and Rong Rong.

In the face of such a request, Murong also knows that this is impossible to refuse. Now she is a guest at home, and the host wants to see it. As a guest, there is no room for refusal. Moreover, she also knows that Chen's people want to take this opportunity to test her.

The family of Chen's family and Chen Haozhang's sidelines are different. Being able to sit on the seat of the home, the mind is naturally deeper, so for those of Chen Haozhang, and Murong to reveal their identity, he did not fully believe. Therefore, he would think about it, to find the two and try them out.

When Murong and Yan Huang came to the main hall, they saw a serious old man sitting on the main seat. The old man looks like he is about sixty years old, and he is not angry and powerful. Even sitting there quietly is daunting.

The old man sitting there, Chen Shanghua, the owner of the Chen family. He looked at the two people who were coming in, and the bottom of his heart could not help but for a while. As the owner of the Chen family, he has seen countless young talents, but he has never seen such a young man. The arrogance of that body should not be underestimated.

Moreover, what shocked him the most was that when the two men saw him, their eyes did not have a trace of dodge, and they would not feel any discomfort because of his momentum. Being able to sit on the seat of the owner of this house, his momentum is naturally not to be underestimated. Even the outstanding descendants of the family did not dare to face him. But the two young people in front of them have such courage.

Murong leaned into the face with a smile and looked like he was coming in without hesitation. The action was like a flowing stream, and people looked pleasing to the eye. On the other hand, Huangfu, there is no expression on his face, and it can even be said to be with a trace of coldness. But even then, he still exudes a fearful atmosphere.

Only one glance, Chen Shanghua knows that the two people in front of him are not simple. Although Chen Haozhang said that the two are from that place, he can't just decide on it. However, even if it is not the person in that place, these two people are definitely not ordinary people.

However, what exactly are these two people coming to their Chen family? Especially now is the most critical time for their Chen family, the ceremony of the book of the saints is about to begin, but at this moment, but can not tolerate any mistakes.

"The two are Rong Rong and Rong Dang!" Chen Shanghua nodded, his face eased a little, but still did not have any smile, "Please sit down! Today, take the time to ask the two to come over, please ask the two don't mind ""

"Chen's main words are heavy." Murong pours and Xie smiles. "I came to Chen's house for so long. I haven't come to visit Chen's family. It's still my fault! I hope Chen's family will not be surprised."

"Where is it?" Chen Shanghua said. "It's our pleasure to be a guest. We haven't had a good time yet!"

"Oh, it was originally that we didn't ask for it." Murong said with a smile, "In fact, I said with Master Chen, I am talking about the acquaintance of Master Chen Haozhang, but it is just a coincidence. I heard Chen. The home is the family of the alchemy, and it coincides with the ceremony of the sacred book, so it will be cheeky and follow it."

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