370 : Find Murong Xizhao

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In the middle of the night, Huangfu and Murong reappeared to the Futianyuan.

I don't know why, after listening to the North Shadow Chen Feng today, Murong has an instinct to look back at this Futianyuan. She always felt that this camp was a bit strange.

Once again, I came to the Futianyuan. After some investigation, there is still nothing. The scene here is almost the same as it was before, and there is no change at all.

For a time, Murong looked a little discouraged. "Hey, you said, is it too sensitive for me? I always feel that the disappearance of my father should be related to this temple. But now there is nothing." Find."

Looking at the appearance of Murong's dejected face, Huangfu reached out and gently patted Murong's hair and opened his eyes. "You don't have to worry, let's take a good look and see if there is any place that is negligent." It is."

"It can only be like this." Murong leaned helplessly and sighed.

Later, she began to look at it again carefully, but still did not find anything wrong, even the traces of outsiders have not. However, when her eyes inadvertently landed in the place where the admiration was under the lake, her eyes could not help but stop.


"What's wrong?" Hearing the strange voice of Murong's face, Huangfu immediately reached out and grabbed the waist of Murong's face. After pulling people into his arms, he looked around with vigilance.

"Hey, I'm fine." I noticed the imperial movement of Huangfu, and Murong smiled and pulled down the hand of Huangfu, and whispered softly. "I just felt a bit strange. I just saw the Qin under the lake." It’s awkward. I feel that the injury on it seems to be a lot better. But isn’t that too strange?”

The last time Qin was injured by Huangfu, it should not be possible to recover so quickly! Especially the eyes were sealed under the lake, because there is no way to convert the aura into what they need to heal. Therefore, even if the injury of Qin Yu has not deteriorated, it is absolutely impossible to improve at least for ten years and eight years. But when she accidentally saw the admiration, it seemed that the injury had been much better.

Although it has not recovered, it can be seen that it is much better than before. This speed, even if it is outside, is rare, let alone the admiration that has been sealed!

After hearing the words of Murong, the emperor's brow wrinkled and his eyes flashed a little deep thought. Then he began to unfold his own knowledge and explored towards the bottom of the lake. But for a moment, when he saw a certain point at the bottom of the lake, his eyes flashed a little bit strange.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Murong immediately noticed that Huangfu was wrong. "Is it strange to find something stupid?"

"Yeah." Huangfu took back his own knowledge and nodded. "Under the lake, there seems to be something hidden. If I didn't guess, there should be a space there, and Qin is responsible. Keeping there."

"What?" After hearing the words of Huangfu, Murong was shocked and she immediately said, "Let's go and look at it now."

She can't wait to see what is there. It is not a normal thing to be able to guard Qin. I don't know why, she feels that she is getting closer and closer to the truth. This feeling makes her heart continually jump.

The emperor reached out and grabbed the waist of Murong's face. Then the two men stepped directly into the lake and then proceeded toward the bottom of the lake.

After the two entered the lake, they seemed to have a layer of barriers. There was no lake near them.

But after a while, the two have already reached the bottom of the lake. Just fell at the bottom of the lake, Murong looked at the eyes and saw the admiration like a hill. I have to say that this close-up look is completely different from the feeling when she was tempted before. At this time, Qin Yu gave her a strong sense of oppression. Even if she just stood there, she could feel the pressure brought by Qin.

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