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"My grandfather knew clearly, I just have the courage to dare, and I don't dare to sue my cousin!" Chen Wenguang quickly said, "Grandfather, I know, you love the cousin, but you can't condone her mistakes. !"
"Yes, my homeowner, this thing, Murong must give me an account." Lin Nilan said, she could not stop crying. "She made Wenwen like this, I will never give up." ""
Looking at the three people who were there, Chen Shanghua was upset. He waved his hand. "Well, what are you, or wait until you come and Wenwen comes, let's talk now, now you all get up!"
"But, the owner -"
"I didn't hear you in my words?" Chen Shanghua couldn't help but yell, "Is you still here, just want to marry me?"
After hearing Chen Shanghua's words, Chen Ruixing, Lin Nilan and Chen Wenli, who were there, stood up immediately. They don’t want to start, they just provoke the family to rise. If this is the case, it is too bad.

Not only Murong Yanyan and Chen Wenwen, Chen Shanghua also let people invite the three elders together. After all, this matter involves the body of Murong's face, and the identity of Murong's face is not the same, it is better to let the three elders join together.
For Chen Shanghua’s decision, Chen Wen’s heart is in agreement. The reason why she persuaded Chen Wenwen, inciting the uncle and the aunt, is not to make things big? The bigger the trouble, the better it is for her. As long as things get too big, when the family owner wants to cover up the face, there is no way.
It didn't take long for Murong to pour into the front hall. This time, only one of her people was there. The emperor went to the devil world and has not returned yet.
"Hey, this person is all right! Is it necessary for the three divisions to review?"
As soon as he stepped into the front hall, Murong had already seen the scene inside. The grandfather was sitting on the main seat and looked like a helpless look. The three elders sat in a slightly lower position. They were dissatisfied with looking at Chen Ruixing and other three people. They seemed to be very dissatisfied with their actions.
However, Chen Ruixing and Lin Nilan did not see the dissatisfaction of their grandfather and three elders. After seeing her coming in, both of them looked at her with hateful eyes. As for Chen Wenguang, when she saw her, her face was unsatisfactory.
Seeing such a situation, Murong naturally knows what is going on. Don't think about it, you know that this is definitely Chen Wen's light handwriting. Before she did not agree with Chen Wen's request, I think Chen Wen lightly designed this is to avenge her! However, it is a pity that Chen Wenguang is only half-baked about the things of the year. Otherwise, it should not be so anxious to shoot.
Just like not seeing the eyes of the three men, Murong leaned into the hall slowly. After she nodded to Chen Shanghua and the three elders, she immediately found a seat and sat down.
In this regard, Chen Shanghua and the three elders did not have any dissatisfaction, because to really say that Murong is now represented, but the identity of the ancestors is higher than them.

However, in the view of Chen Ruixing and others, Murong’s face is arrogant and arrogant. When I saw that Chen Shanghua and the three elders did not have any dissatisfaction with Murong’s demeanor, and even adopted an attitude of appreciating, their hearts could not help but feel awkward.
However, they quickly calmed down. This time, in any case, Murong is an unreasonable party. Moreover, this is no longer a trivial matter. It is a big crime to murder people of the same family. Even if they want to cover up, they will not be able to resist the outside.
"Mu Rong pours out, what kind of etiquette are you?" Lin Nilan couldn't help but blamed. "We have so many elders here, you can't do it after you come in, even if you don't even say hello In your eyes, are there any elders like us? This is your tutor."
For a long time, she did not like Murong to show her face. However, it is a foreign surname, but it is so favored by the owner. When she knew that her daughter was because of Murong’s face, she was even more stunned.
"Oh, big aunt, why are you so angry?" Murong leaned down with one hand and looked at Lin Nilan, a lazy look. "The grandfather and the three elders did not say anything, why are you so anxious to interject? As for my tutoring problem, I don’t have to worry about it."
Can teach Chen Wenwen such a ungrateful daughter, where is Lin Lin's tutor and where to get it? Now there is still a face here to discuss the problem of tutoring with her, it is really a joke.
"You--" After listening to Murong's remarks, Lin Nilan was so angry that her face was red.
"Well, give me a shut up." Chen Shanghua said directly. "You still have me in your eyes! In front of me, I dare to make trouble."
Seeing that Chen Shanghua had lost his temper, Lin Nilan flinched and did not dare to say anything. However, she still hates Murong and glances at it.
Soon, Chen Wenwen also came in. This should be the first time that Chen Wenwen has appeared in front of everyone for decades. Since Chen Wenwen has become a waste person, he has never left his yard. Everyone doesn't know what Chen Wenwen has become like now.

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