211 : Blow (Unedited)

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"This is the grand ceremony of your family. How can I go to an outsider?" Murong shook his head and shook his head. "It would have been a great honour to be invited to be a guest. Where can I still know?" What about the size?"


Rong Gongzi is really polite." Chen Haozhang smiled and amiable. "You are both a guest of our family. This grand ceremony is naturally able to invite you. Is it difficult to be a son?"

If the allowance in front of him promises at once, maybe he will still be a little suspicious, but now it is obvious that he also knows that it is not appropriate and he is not willing to agree, which makes him feel more relieved. It is also because of this that he is even more inviting to accept tolerance, because he can see that Rong Li really wants to look at it.

"This--" Murong's face was still hesitant, but she finally nodded. "Well, since Master Chen has said this, if I continue to refuse, it is not too rude."

"That's really great." Chen Haozhang laughed. "We still have a few days to go to our home, but in these few days, Rong Gongzi can still have a good tour in our city. Not as big as those big cities, but if you don’t have a flavor."

"I heard Chen saying this, I can't wait to see it." Murong smiled and said, "I don't think the scenery here will disappoint me."

"That is of course." Chen Haozhang said with pride.

"Right, this time let Yaoyao and their brothers and sisters go with you! They can also do their best to make the best of the landlord."

"Okay! Good!" Chen Xiangxiang was very excited to speak. "Rong Gongzi, I will take you out every day. We have some fun places here. I know all of them, I will definitely make you happy."

"Yes!" Chen Wenyao looked up and looked at the face with a shy glance. "Is there any special place for Rong Gongzi to go, we can take you there first."

"I don't have any special places to go." Murong smiled and shook his head. "I am leaving the family for the first time, so it is still decided by Chen Gongzi and Miss Chen!"

"Good." After Chen Wenyao nodded, he smiled and said, "Yong Gongzi, in fact, we are all so familiar, just call the name directly, do not need to call the young lady, too rusty."

"Since Miss Chen said this, then I would be more respectful than my life."

Murong smiled and nodded. "In these few days, you have to work with Yaoyao."

Chen Wenyao couldn't help but smile when he heard his name shouting out from his sweetheart.

Chen Wenyao's mind, the people on the table have been clearly seen. Only Murong, who is one of the parties, is still confused. Although she is now dressed as a man, she never thought she would be seen by another woman.
This banquet can be said to be the guest and the host.

Although Chen Zhongzhang and others were not very happy after hearing that Murong had already decided to make a marriage contract. However, the results are still good.

After returning to the guest house, Murong looked at her face with a smile. "Rotor, I will say it! As long as the family is revealed, the Chen family will definitely regard us as a noble person out of the big family. Now we However, there is already a reason to enter the Chen family."

"They really promised to take us to the Chen family to attend the ceremony." There is no expression on the face of the rotor. "However, I think they should play more than just a good idea with you."
"What?" After hearing the rotor, Murong squinted.

"What do you mean? Is there anything else that I ignored?"

"Miss, don't you see it?" The rotor took a look at Murong and said, "That Chen Wenyao is on you. For this, the other people in Chen's family are happy to see it."

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