184 : Match (Unedited)

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"Probably this is the case." Huangfu nodded and continued to speak. "This kind of evil thing takes Murong as the host. However, it seems that Murong is almost completely losing his consciousness."

"I really didn't think that Murong would have been contaminated with such evil things." Murong couldn't help but sigh and sigh. "Although I don't like her, I didn't think about letting her have such a stop." "

"That is her own choice. If it wasn't for her own will, it would not be possible to get such a sin." Huangfu said in a cold voice. "The evil things can only blame those who are greedy. If the will Strong enough, it is absolutely not a contract with such evils."

"The evil thing, if it has already signed a contract, can it be stripped?" Murong continued to open his enquiry and said, "And if Murong is dead, then will this evil also follow? Disappeared?"

Listening to Murong's questioning one after another, Huangfu did not get bored. He patiently explained that "there is almost a fusion between this evil thing and Murong's snow, even now she wants to pull away, It's too late. Of course, if a strong person is willing to help her, that's okay."

"As for if Murong is dead, then this evil will not disappear, just look for opportunities to find the next host. Of course, if you want to completely eliminate this evil, it is not difficult."

Murong nodded and nodded. Then he looked at Huangfu. "You know it is very clear! Is there any reason?"

"Speaking of it, I am a little surprised to see this kind of evil here." Huangfu embraced Murong's hand and tightened his eyes, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "This kind of thing should only be found in the devil world." It is impossible to appear in this world plane."

Such things come from the devil world. However, there is a limit to the devil world and this world plane. Under normal circumstances, no one can easily come to another plane from one plane, otherwise the world will not be chaotic?

Like the people of the realm of the gods and the devil, their strength is generally strong by the people of this world. Even the lowest-level people are much stronger than the people of this world. If any of them have thoughts and feel free to come to this world and want to be king, isn't that a disaster?

Therefore, there is a limit in the plane of the plane. Unless the strength is strong enough, it is impossible to ignore the limitations of the interface, so it is in and out. However, if the strength is strong enough, it will never be ruined to come to this plane.

Such a low evil is impossible to have the opportunity to come to this world. However, it has appeared here, and it is still something in the devil world. All this has to make Huangfu doubt.

"What is the devil's thing?" After hearing the words of Huangfu, Murong was shocked. She really did not think about this possibility. "What are you going to do?"

"This is indeed a good investigation." Huangfu said coldly. "It's a matter of the devil world. I can't pretend that I don't know anything."

During the period when Huangfu and Murong were talking, the above test was over. The final result is naturally ended with the victory of Murong. However, many people still feel a little uncomfortable when they see the scene on the field.

Murong was standing in the middle of the ring, and there was a bloodthirsty smile on her face. And around her, go to the person who fell down. However, few of them are intact, one is not broken, that is, there are a few holes in the body. There are even some, the intestines have leaked out.

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