187 : Battle against Bai Hao 2 (Unedited)

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The white eyes are full of excitement. In her opinion, this time the attack, Murong's face is absolutely impossible to escape. Although her means are not bright and upright. But now it is in the test, no one can say that she is wrong.

As long as she can get rid of Murong's face here, her purpose has already been reached. After reaching the goal, she did not intend to stay in the college, so she did not care about the views of other people.

"Dangdang--", on the occasion of the thousand-year-old, Murong had a sword in his hand, and several silver needles were directly blocked by the sword and landed on the ground.


Seeing such a situation, people who are watching the test under the stage can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, I am also fortunate to be lucky for Murong. Otherwise, it is a pity that a talented genius is so depraved.

Sudden changes, let the white eyes flash a trace of blood. In her prediction, Murong is absolutely impossible to escape this blow. But now the facts are in front of her eyes, Murong really hides.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel anxious. She is worried that if she continues to do so, Murong will only be defeated soon. At that time, she really had no chance.

For a time, Bai Hao started to shoot faster and more. She can't allow herself to lose here, and she has to get rid of Murong here. Only in this way can she have a brighter future.

The sudden change of style of Bai Hao makes many people feel incredible, especially those in the elite class, who can't believe that the sinister people who are on the scene are the gentle and pleasant whiteness. .

Faced with such a fierce offensive, Murong's face was no longer dodging as before. She held the sword in her hand, and smiled at the corner of her mouth. The momentum of the whole person also changed dramatically. The sword of Tiantian was directly confronted with the whiteness of the day.

The collision between Bai Yu and Qi Tianjian produced a powerful wave of power, emitting a burst of intense white light, and the two quickly flew behind them.

In an instant, the two stood opposite each other again. The white pheasant flutters in white and is full of fairy tales. Murong pours a blue dress and looks cool.

Looking at the person standing opposite him, the face of Bai Yan has no previous calm, and at this moment her eyebrows are a little more anxious. At the beginning, although she always seemed to have the upper hand, she still felt that Murong was able to handle her hand.

Now, she can feel that Murong has no face before, and that edge is like a sudden appearance. I don't know why, at this time, her heart actually began to feel the tension that had never been seen before. She always felt that there seemed to be something out of her control.

"White sergeant, the contest between us should also officially begin." Looking at the white plaque standing opposite him, Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth, "However, this time, I will not hide again." It's gone."

Seeing the smile on Murong's face, Bai's heart stunned, but her face remained calm. "Since Murong's sister said this, it's naturally the best. However, although you are a sister, But I will not be merciless."

During the speech, the white eyes flashed with strong killing. Anyway, she must let Murong fall here today, or else it will be too difficult to find such an opportunity in the future. She must not miss this good opportunity.

When I think of it, Bai Hao will no longer hesitate, directly condensing mysterious power, waving white, and attacking the past toward Murong.

Unlike the previous dodge, in the face of the fierce attack of the white, Murong raised his sword and directly greeted him.

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