179 : Occasional Encounter (Unedited)

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Hearing the assurance of Murong's face, Yuan Li could only helplessly sigh, because he did not know whether such guarantees could be realized. This scorpion's temper, he still knows something, as long as it is what he has identified, it is the nine-headed cow that can't be brought back.

"Right, after you came back, have you seen Lie?" Yuan suddenly said, "I don't know what happened to Lily. After you left the college, you become more diligent. Now She is very hard-working and she doesn't know if she is stimulated."

"I haven't seen Li Wei yet!" Murong prayed and smiled. "After I came back, of course, I came to see the master the first time. As for Li, there is a master, you don't think, Lily is willing to Is it a good thing to focus more on cultivation?"

"This is indeed a good thing." Yuan nodded and nodded. "I just worried about what happened to her."

"Master, you don't want to think so much." Murong smiled and said with a smile. "Lie is willing to practice hard, even if something really happens, it will definitely be a good thing. And maybe she is looking at me. With such efforts, I am afraid that I will lose to me, so I will be angry and strong!"

Her heart is naturally clear, and Long Lizhen is now so diligent for what reason. It's just that, she can't say it, not to say whether Lily would like her to say it, but the identity of the rotor, she has no way to explain it.

"Probably because of this reason." I don't think of any other reason. Yuan Yi also thinks that maybe it is because of this!

"Yes, Master, is there anything happening during this time?" Murong said suddenly and asked, "And, I have been exploring the floating grass. Is there any news during this time?"

"The college is very quiet during this time. I believe that other colleges are the same. After all, I am going to the college competition. Everyone is busy preparing. As for the things that float, even if you don't mention it, I intend to tell you. "Yuan left the mouth." "Before the Starcraft auction house, there was news. It was said that someone came to the door and said that there was floating grass on the hand and wanted to trade with you, but at that time you have not returned. So I replied that I will tell you when you come back."

"It seems that this thing is still very smooth." Murong squinted and his eyes flashed a sharp light. "And, it seems that this Chen family is still very anxious!"

"How do you know that Chen is a person?" Yuan looked at Murong with a funny smile. "Can he not be someone else?"

Although he had already inquired about it, it was indeed Chen's person, but when he looked at Murong's face, he couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Master, are you not talking nonsense?" Murong looked at the yuan without looking at it. "And not saying that this floating grass is something that Chen Jiacai has. Besides, Chen is not a casual family. Anyone can go in. Not a Chen family, not so easy to get."

"Okay! You guessed it." Yuan spread his hands and opened his mouth. "What are you going to do now? When do you want to trade with Chen's people?"

"Of course it is as soon as possible." Murong squinted at the bottom of his eyes and flashed a glimmer of light. "It is best to get it before the college competition. I will go to the Starcraft auction house and let them help to trade from it."

After hearing the words of Murong, Yuan Yuan shook his head. "This time I am afraid that you have to go out in person. Before, the people at Xinghui's auction house came to say that the person wanted to be with you. Face to face trading."

"When is the face-to-face transaction?" After hearing the words of Yuan, Murong poked a deep smile on his lips. "You said that I was a little curious, what a stupid hat! Actually think of direct transactions, is it true? Is he not afraid to be known?"

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