331 : North Shadow Chen Feng (Unedited)

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After hearing the words of Murong, the face of Huangfu became even more ugly. He went straight to the front and took Murong in his arms. He said in a dangerous tone. "Is this abandoning me?"

If it is someone else, I will be scared enough to see the face of Huangfu. Especially the cold air that was sprinkled from time to time, almost to freeze people into ice. However, Murong’s face is obviously not in those who are afraid.

She smiled and reached out and embraced Huangfu’s neck. She smiled and said, “Hey, you shouldn’t be angry!”

Looking at the appearance of Murong's fascinating and fascinating, Huangfu felt that there was more gas and could not be sprinkled. He reached out and touched the hair of Murong's face, and said helplessly, "You, Just eat me."

"This is not what you indulge." Murong sighed and spit out his tongue. "So! Don't complain, and only in front of you, I dare to be so arrogant."

It is because she knows that Huangfu will tolerate herself anyway, so she dares to be so arrogant. If it is in front of others, she will rarely bring a mask. However, this is also because she feels that in front of Huangfu, she does not need any disguise, just do it myself.

After hearing the words of Murong, Huangfu did not say anything, but he relaxed his expression.

Murong leaned on the chest of Huangfu and whispered softly. "Hey, how did you spend it in the past tens of thousands of years?"

In the past time of Huangfu, she had no time to participate. Therefore, she is really curious, what has been done in the tens of thousands of years.

"In the past tens of thousands of years, I have been in the devil world." Huangfu patted the back of Murong's face and whispered. "There is a limit between here and the upper bound, although the upper bounds are different. The owner of the interface can ignore such restrictions, but no one ever thought about coming to mainland China. Because in the eyes of the upper bounds, this place is a very poor and backward place."

"Cut, in fact, in the upper bound, there should be some people who are flying up from here!" Murong pouted and snorted, and said, "They can't see it here!"

Hearing the innocence of Murong’s remarks, Huangfu’s eyes flashed a smile and explained. “The restrictions between the two worlds have been for many years, so there are many things that everyone has gradually forgotten.”

Murong’s face no longer glared at this topic, but asked him, “Hey, since you have been in the devil world, why did you suddenly come here?”

"In fact, when I first came here, it was a mistake." It seems that I was reminded of something. Huangfu’s mouth smirked a smile. "In fact, the elders were going to rebel, so I designed to leave the devil. He wanted to To behold when I am not in the Devil, I can be the king of the Devil."

The elders will really be too naive, thinking that as long as he is opened, can you get the devil world? If he really does not use it, how can he rule the Devil for so many years?

"Then what did you win in the end?" Murong looked down and did not show any concern.

She is very trusting in the strength of Huangfu. Moreover, Huangpu is now here to accompany her, which is enough to show who lost and who won in that game.

"Yeah." Huang Dagger, "He is too naive, I really thought that this would overthrow me. However, Yan Er, I am really fortunate to have this embarrassment, or I will not know you." ”

Speaking of it, he really has to thank the great elders for their ambitions. If it weren’t for the great elders who made him come to the world, he wouldn’t have met Yan, and he wouldn’t know what it’s like.

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