273 : Evidence (Unedited)

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Originally everyone's heart was just doubt, but now Long Kui's words have made these doubts come true.

"It turned out that you did it." Long Liuli immediately rushed to open his mouth. "Three younger siblings, I really can't think of it. You are so poisonous and do this kind of murder."

Knowing that the poisoned person is not his own daughter, the dragon has become harder and harder. I have never dared to speak before, and I think that he has not had so much scruples. Before Long Liyun was locked up, the Longliuqi couple did not run on them. Now it is really a feng shui turn!

"Father, what are you talking about?" Long Liu said with anxiously to defend his wife. "How can Huiyi do such a thing? Are you mistaken?"

At the time he just did not react to it for a while. The first thing that waits for him to react is to argue for his wife. He believes that his wife will not do such a thing.

"Father," Song Huiyi stood up and then fell down. "I don't know why you said this. But after I asked myself to marry into the Dragon family, I have always kept my duties and never done anything that would harm the interests of the Dragon. This time. The matter, really has nothing to do with me, you have to be clear!"

Song Huiyi's face is all wronged, just like what a big shackle.

"If there is no evidence, do you think I will casually talk about it?" Long Kui was unmoved. He looked at Song Huiyi, who was lying there indifferently. "You are really a big courage! Actually dare to me." Poisoned, how much dissatisfaction do you have with my dragon family?"

During the speech, Long Kui's voice grew louder and louder. In the end, he even took the tea cup on the coffee table and dropped it toward Song Huiyi.

"Hey--" a clear sound sounded, the teacup was broken into pieces in the distance not far from Song Huiyi.

Suddenly, the hall was quiet, and everyone could see that the owner was really angry this time. At this time, who else dares to talk nonsense!

After a long time, Long Kui once again said, "Song Huiyi, what kind of agreement between you and the Song family, actually poisoned me, I think you are impatient!"

"Homeowners, things that are poisonous, really have nothing to do with me!" Song Huiyi still shouted again and again, "You are so determined, I am not satisfied."

Her heart is very clear, this thing, definitely can not admit. If this thing, she confessed, then it is not dead, and there will be no good end. Not only that, her husband will certainly not be with her in the future. Moreover, she is unable to go back to the Song family.

Fortunately, this thing, she did not leave any handle. As long as she does not recognize it, then no one can force her.

Long Liyu's heart was full of tension at this time. She didn't know if her grandfather really knew the truth of the matter, or just guessed it. What she is more concerned about is that if this matter is really exposed, will it be implicated in her.

"Oh, now, your mouth is hard enough." Long Kui did not have any relief because of Song Huiyi's denial. His cold eyes looked straight toward Song Huiyi. "You thought it would be just a matter of If you deny it, can you cover up the things you have done? I tell you, it is not that simple."

After that, Long Kui waved his hand. Then a maid took a tray in her hand and walked out. On the tray, there is something that looks like a sachet.

When I saw the things on the tray, Song Huiyi's pupils shrank slightly, and the eyes flashed a trace of fear. She didn't know how that thing would appear in this place, she obviously had already burned this thing!

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