373 : Go away (Unedited)

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"Oh, you really are right." Murong shrugged and shrugged, and said with a funny voice, "This time I really saved you. Otherwise, you should have become a soul now!"

In fact, it is said that it is a ghost, it does not seem to be very right. After all, to really say it, this water is not a good person.

"Is it really you saved me?" Shui Lingshan is not very convinced of Murong's remarks. "Why do you think that I will believe what you said? The grievances between us are so deep, you It’s still okay to send someone to kill me. If you send someone to save me, it’s simply not in line with common sense.”

Although she and Murong pour out between the face, although it is not a deep hatred, but it is also considered to be incompetent. Under such circumstances, will Murong really save her? However, if Murong refused to save her, how can Murong appear in this place now?

For a time, Shui Lingshan felt as if she had fallen into a deep abyss. She couldn't see the surrounding environment, she didn't even know what it was because of what she was facing now. For so many years, although she is not a good person, she has never tried to be chased.

"I saved you, naturally I have my own reasons." Murong looked at Shui Lingshan and sneered and said, "However, if you continue to be so stupid, you might die faster."

After hearing the cold words of Murong's face, Shui Lingshan couldn't help but fight a cold war. At this point she seemed to think of the last killing, the pain in her body reminded her all the time, almost, she will leave the world.

"Do you know who is going to chase me?" There is a flash of light in the mind of Shui Lingshan. "And, you already know that someone is going to kill me. You save me, not because you happen."

The more I think, the more Ling Lingshan feels that this possibility is greater. However, she did not understand why Murong was going to save her. There is no friendship between the two, and it can even be said to be evil.

"It seems that you are still not stupid enough to get home." Murong leaned away and sneered at his face. "Yes, I really know who sent someone to chase you. But, you are sure, you really want to know that." Who is the person?"

Having said that, Murong’s eyes flashed a touch of funny smile. I don't know, if Shui Lingshan knows that the black hand behind the scenes is the superficial water that cares for her on the surface, what kind of mood would it be?

"You tell me soon." After hearing Murong's words, Shui Lingshan's eyes were red. She stared at Murong and looked at her. "I really want to know who I really want." My life. I must tell my father that our water family will never forget it."

Although she is not very much valued by her father now, even her father wants to marry her to the Ming family. However, she is still the father's daughter, the second lady of the water family. This happened now, and the father would not care about her. Moreover, she still has a brother. The instant mother has passed away and even deprived of her wife’s position. However, my brother is still very much valued by his father.

Looking at the hatred of Shui Lingshan's eyes, Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smirked a bright smile. Then he slowly said, "Since you want to know, then I will tell you. This person chasing It’s not someone else who kills you. It’s the master of the North Shadow family. The lotus in your mouth is a secluded water.

"Impossible." After hearing the words of Murong, Shui Lingshan subconsciously retorted, "Duoyu will not do such a thing. She is so good to me, how can it hurt me?"

She will never believe these words that Murong said. Since knowing the relationship between Duo and Niang, Duo has always been very good to her. It is also because of the hustle and bustle that her days in the Beiying family will be so comfortable. In addition, Niang and Duo Duo are friends, and there is no possibility of harming her.

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